


by Lyn Packer

Jan 2015

As I’ve prayed into this year I’ve felt that the following things are part of what the Lord is currently doing in our nation.

New Zealand is, and will be, a forerunner nation, a leader. Your leadership calling will not be stifled. An apostolic renewal will come. What was cut short and went dormant will now break forth with new grace as true apostles begin to emerge. This move of leadership grace will startle many who have been content to let other nations lead the way, but now grace has come for you to lay hold of your destiny. And the voice of the Church will be heard in parliament as you bring wisdom to the decisions of your nation. Your greatest export to the nations will not be lamb, dairy, fruit or even technology, but will be the move of God's Spirit.

The Gift of Family.  Part of the redemptive calling on New Zealand is to model family, both in the community and in the church – true community, fellowship, and partnership in the Gospel. You will model what it is like to fight for your brother and sister, serving them as you display the love Jesus speaks of: "So I give you now a new commandment: Love each other just as much as I have loved you. For when you demonstrate the same love I have for you by loving one another, everyone will know that you're My true followers" (John 13:34-35 TPT).

There is a call for the church to shift from the business model it has embraced over the past years to become the family it is meant to be. This will mean some radical changes to the way we do things, the way we view each other, the way churches support one another. There will be a working together, a unity in diversity that will astound us.

A call to become love. There will come an understanding that the true call on our lives is to become love, to manifest the image of the One in whose likeness we’ve been made. Even more than our call to ministry (of whatever sort), or the assignments we’re given to heal the sick, raise the dead, etc, is the call to become love.

Out of that will flow a greater compassion. Compassion is an outflow of love, and from this much will take place - ministry to the poor, homeless, and widows, solo parents, aged, sick diseased, outcasts, and the elderly. The use of the gifts will take its rightful place as we understand that the use of them to minister comes as part of the natural outflow of love. Christ was moved with compassion and people were healed (Matt 9:36, 14:14, 20:34, Mk1:41, 6:34, Luke 7:13).

A greater release in revelation and the ability to walk that out. You will be given eyes to see and ears to hear, and the Spirit of Understanding will rest upon you. Wisdom and revelation will walk hand in hand. Prophetic insight will increase exponentially.

New Zealand will be a healing centre. A great wave of healing will be released. It will be like a tide that turns and advances, taking ground all the while. Many healings will happen for believers who dare to believe God and step out to pray for the sick. Healing services will begin to fill with people turning to Jesus Christ. "Bless the Lord…who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases (Ps 103:2,3)."

Discernment will increase and truth will prevail. New Zealanders love the truth, hate the hype, and have been given great discernment. God has put a root of truth into your DNA and a gift of discernment in your heart. Authors will be anointed to point us to truth. You will carry the Spirit of Truth and the word of Truth.

The Battle of Hope continues. The Hope of Christ must win over every pocket of fear of the future. Hope is a key part of releasing the answers we need. There will come a great invitation to the lost in our nation to come to the God of Hope. There will be cities and refuges of hope established that will reignite many that have lost hope.

Praise that shifts things. I see high praises rising from all over the nation. New Zealand has been known for her worship in the past. There is a fresh wave of praise and worship that will shift powers and displace demonic strongholds.



Lyn is recognised as a Prophet within New Zealand and other nations she’s ministered in. Her ministry is revelatory and catalytic, propelling people into encounter with God. The governmental prophetic gift she carries is expressed through prophetic, revelatory insight and strategy, prophetic words (personal, corporate and national), teaching, art, and writing. Click here for more info...

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