by Lyn Packer
October 2022
God has secrets – mysteries waiting to be revealed to those who have ears to hear and eyes to see (Deut 29:29; Prov 25:2). The things He is revealing to us carry within them an invitation and a requirement that we step up into a new level of taking responsibility to be people worthy of the revelation, and those who walk in wisdom.
We are in a time where, more than ever before, God is stirring people to cry out for the spirit of wisdom and revelation to be released into their lives (Eph 1:17). And, as we know, when God gives revelation it has the potential to be literally life-changing, if we allow Him to do a work in us through that revelation.
We are in a season where God is doing a deep work of revealing secret things, things hidden in Him, and things hidden in us as people. Over the years we’ve seen revelations received and embraced by one here and one there, and those pioneers walked them out so that we could all see the reality of them and walk in them. One example of this is the healing evangelists of the late 19th and early 20th centuries; now we’ve come to realise that this revelation is for us all to walk in – we can lay hands on the sick, pray the prayer of faith, and see the sick healed.
One of the things He is revealing at the moment, in a deep way, is our true identity. Whereas before, over the years, one here and one there got it – they discovered who they were in Christ, and walked in a way that manifested the Kingdom of heaven on earth in significant ways – now God is doing a work where that is becoming a widespread revelation and reality.
As I’ve prayed and processed through things this year with the Lord, it has become more and more evident to me that God is doing and saying the following:
Prophetic Word
This time is a time where I am calling people to a new level of responsibility, a new level of maturity. I want the world to see what it looks like to have a relationship with Me, what a fully healed, whole, son or daughter of God looks like. I want them to see what My love and power looks like when it works within a person, changing them, bringing them back to My original plan for mankind. It’s time for the revealing of the sons and daughters of God to become widespread, not just be limited to one here and one there. It’s time for the world to see those who know their true identity, as revealed in Christ, and who walk in it. It’s time for all My children to know Me and do exploits!
Now is My time for you to take a new bold step in walking in your new creation identity! But to walk in your true identity, the one I revealed to you through Christ, you must know first what that is, and you must face the false identities you’ve lived from – recognise them, discard them, and learn how to walk as a different person, one that is the physical and mental manifestation of that new creation I made you in Christ.
Walking in your new creation realities is going to take courage, and one of the main places that courage is needed is as you face who you have allowed life to make you – the personality and character you have created because of how you responded to the things you went through. Those ongoing responses created the identity you’ve lived from up until now. It’s time for your metamorphosis – to shed that old skin, that old man, to allow the transformation to take place, and to emerge into the fullness of all that I created you to be.
Walking as a new creation in Christ means an ongoing dedication to truth and to facing reality at all costs. It’s allowing Me to show you the false identities you’ve created, and lived from, allowing Me to free you from the spirit of deception you’ve lived under, to tear down the mind-set strongholds that this deceptive spirit created in your life, and replace them with strongholds of truth and true identity. In doing so I will bring healing and wholeness to your woundedness, so that you can live from your God-given true identity as one who is created in My image and likeness, not the world’s image and likeness.
My plans and purposes for your life are for good, not for evil; to give you a future that is full of hope – not unrealised un-manifested wishful-thinking-hope, but hope and wholeness that is fully realised and fully manifested in Me! It’s time for My sons and daughters to be healed, to be whole, to know Me, and in knowing and trusting Me, to allow Me to do great and mighty things through them.
Will you allow Me to do the work in you that I desire to do, so that I can work through you? Because it’s only in allowing Me to do that internal work in you that I can confidently trust you to carry My power and love without distorting or abusing it. The world has seen too many abuses of power over the centuries. My desire is that they see people who are loving, kind, and trustworthy; ones who will not abuse them or use the power I give them to harm or entrap others, but to set people gloriously free – no strings attached, no ulterior motives. It was for freedom’s sake alone that Christ set you free (Gal 5:1), and the work I’m doing in you, as you allow Me to do it, will make you one who, like Christ, sets people free because that’s where they were created to live – in freedom!
Pastoral notes
We can cry out for revelation of our true identity, but unless we face ourselves, and recognize the false identities we have lived under, we cannot walk in our true identity. We cannot function in revelation without wisdom – in Scripture they go together – and walking in wisdom is costly (Prov 4:6,7). It takes ongoing dedication to reality and truth at all costs. One of those costs is found in accepting the responsibility of looking at ourselves square in the face, seeing who we are, and allowing God to change us. Walking in wisdom requires change in personality, character, and behaviour.
For that change to happen we must each take responsibility for who we are – for our behaviour, for processing our hurts and wounds, and for seeking from God, wisdom, understanding, and healing. We must face the truth, face reality, look at events square in the face and recognize how they've hurt us, how we've responded as a result of that hurt, and how we are living now in response to the situations we've been through. When we won't face stuff we allow ourselves to be taken prisoner by deceptions, and we take on false identities and live from those. False identities form through believing and seeing ourselves through things like… words spoken over us that formed a false sense of who we are, ongoing circumstances and abuses that shaped our personality, decisions we made that formed our character, etc
We cannot blame shift and put all the responsibility for who we are on our parents, or others that have hurt us along the way. They may have done wrong things, but we also carry responsibility for how we have chosen to continue to live from our responses and beliefs about those situations – beliefs and behaviours that bind us up and imprison us.
(The wisdom, understanding and healing that Christ wants to bring may come directly from Him, or He may bring it through a combination of Himself and other people – through a pastor, counsellor, friend, book etc. God is not limited in the ways He works, so we can’t afford to put limits on Him by our preferences and prejudices.)
Prayer is not just us coming to God with a list of requests. As part of our relationship with Him, it is us having a conversation with the Lord, which involves talking and listening on both sides. The following prayer points are some things you can talk to Him about in regards to this prophetic word.
Ask the Lord to show you any areas of false identity that you’ve lived from. Talk to Him about them, asking for Him to reveal truth and set you free from the lies you’ve believed and lived from.
Ask the Lord to bring to remembrance the things you need to face, so that He can bring healing to them. Ask Him for encounters with Him and revelation of truth that brings healing, for the removal of pain and trauma from your mind and from the cells in your body where it’s been stored. (Be aware that He may also direst you to seek others who can help you move through this process – pastors, counsellors, or inner healing ministers)
Ask the Lord to reveal Scriptures to you that will become foundational identity truth to you, and that will become the framework that you build on from now on. (As these become established, righteous, strongholds of belief in our life they become like the framing of a house that everything else is attached to.) These become non-negotiables – things we will not let life steal from us.
Ask the Lord for the spirit of wisdom and revelation to be released in the body of Christ globally, in your families, and in your churches. Pray that the orphan mind-sets that people have lived from will be broken, and that they will know the truth of who they are in Christ and will be set free.
Thank God for the work He is doing in you, and the work that He will do through you! There is a saying, “Hurt people hurt people” and while it is true, there is also a greater truth. Healed, free, people carry in them healing and freedom, and they release it wherever they go.
Lyn is recognised as a Prophet within New Zealand and other nations she’s ministered in. Her ministry is revelatory and catalytic, propelling people into encounter with God. The governmental prophetic gift she carries is expressed through prophetic, revelatory insight and strategy, prophetic words (personal, corporate and national), teaching, art, and writing. Click here for more info...