


by Megan Williamson

April 2019

Over the past few months I have released countless prophetic words about standing firm (to individuals, congregations and on social media) and a recurring phrase keeps coming to me from the Lord ‘HAVING STOOD YOU WILL STAND, having stood you will stand!’ 
It started in New Zealand, actually, when I was there for the NZ prophetic round table. Travelling through the city, the Lord repeatedly spoke to me about Christchurch being a city that was shaken but not broken. I continually saw billboards and signage stating ‘Standing strong’ and ’Built to weather the storm’ and the Lord spoke powerfully to me everywhere I went: ”Having stood they will stand, Having stood they will stand”. In light of recent events, I believe this word carries even greater weight. The Lord is forging a great steadfastness in His people there, and around the globe! I believe the Lord is strengthening the ‘stand’ of His people in this hour!

While in Christchurch I wrote a rap which has been the theme song for me ever since:

The Lord is the Victor,
The battle has been won,
There’s no struggling and no striving
For the Lord has overcome.
And in the midst of the quaking,
When the whole earth’s breaking,
I will stand on the Rock 
And I will not be shaken.

The Lord is the Victor,
The battle has been won,
Death has been defeated
And sin is overcome.
So in the midst of temptation 
When the enemy lies,
I will rise from the ashes
Free from compromise.

Then last fortnight when tragedy struck my community, I heard the Lord speak powerfully: STAY YOUR COURSE, STAND YOUR GROUND – THERE ARE DIAMONDS TO BE FOUND. As I heard this I saw a vision of sorts, or a series of images in which I began to see the ‘NEW ERA’ we have stepped into. This is something I have been pressing in to see and understand, but what I saw surprised me. One of the images was lumps of coal being pressed. The Lord began to speak to me about the new era, explaining that it was as similar to the previous season as coal is to diamonds. I realised that coal is actually the raw material necessary for diamonds to form, but the two substances are vastly different. In the same way, I believe the revelations and experiences of the Church thus far are the raw materials necessary for this new era, but the ‘look’ and even make up of the era will be vastly different – and almost unrecognisable (in the same way that diamonds are unrecognisable from coal).

As I saw these lumps of coal being pressed I realised that God was accelerating the transformation from coal to diamonds. The acceleration came through pressure. That doesn’t sound like an encouraging word to release, but in light of what the Lord has said, and is saying, I find it incredibly comforting.

Many of you are feeling this pressure. Resistance/pressure in the form of discouragement, loss, grief, discomfort, and even a sense of failure have come. Some of us had begun to wonder if we had misheard, or misapplied, the word of God… some have felt confused or hurt. But in the midst of this, you have risen with a song in the night, and a resolution in your spirit.

The cry of our hearts have been like that of the sons of Korah in Psalm 42
O my God, my soul despairs within me.
Therefore I remember You
from the land of Jordan and the peaks of Hermon—
from Mount Mizar.
Deep calls to deep
in the roar of Your waterfalls;
all Your breakers and waves
have rolled over me.
The LORD decrees His loving devotion by day;
and at night His song is with me—
a prayer to the God of my life. (v 6-8)

Why are you downcast, O my soul?
Why the unease within me?
Put your hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him,
my Savior and my God. (v 11)

I hear this song rising from the hearts of His people, His song that is with us, “Yet I shall praise You”. And in this, I see the strengthening of the Lord. Even now, the Lord is strengthening your resolve in ways you cannot explain and you did not expect! He is proving Himself faithful, and He is proving Himself steadfast, and in that, He is PROVING YOU steadfast too! The Lord is declaring and decreeing ‘HAVING STOOD YOU WILL STAND!’ And you do. And you will.

Friends, this is not the season of despair for you! This is not an era of wavering, but a time for STANDING!

Treasures beyond your wildest imaginations are being formed, uncovered and discovered in this hour! Do not lose heart, stay your course. Do not back down, stand your ground. Don’t let the enemy tempt you with despair! This is YOUR TIME TO RISE and YOUR TIME TO STAND!

“Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to STAND your ground, and after you have done everything, to STAND. Ephesians 6:13



Megan Williamson is a passionate teacher, singer-songwriter with a unique and creative prophetic expression. Megan has been publishing prophetic words and songs on social media for 18 months, with many being shared and published on other recognised prophetic platforms. She loves to encourage people to express themselves as only they can, capturing and sharing the unique God image gifted to them as one-of-a-kind masterpieces. For more songs and prophetic words check out her website