by Leon Kelly
As a nation we have a heart after God in the Body of Christ, full of passion and compassion. And we desire to see the Father move in His love and power in our communities so that we can see the whole nation come into a habitation of God by His Spirit. We do a lot of reaching out and displaying kindness, and recently over the last two or so years there has been a real rising of displaying the Kingdom in the market place as part of our Christian culture. This is awesome, and it is evident that we are growing in the things of the Kingdom and Glory of Christ.
As the Body of Christ in thIs nation we want to keep growing, and we don't want to stay in one place but continue from glory to glory. In order to do that we must see our current weaknesses and continue to allow Father to grow us out of them.
Dishonour Because of Lack of Recognition
One thing as a nation that we tend to do is time and time again reject and dishonour recognised vessels, Prophets with a current Word of God; a revelation that maybe we haven't seen yet, or sound that we haven't heard. This happened again recently, and as a result, what God wanted to release and accelerate in a Kingdom governmental level in this nation was instead on its way overseas. But praise the Lord, Father foreknew this and set things in motion for this nation not to go around the mountain again.
When God releases a vessel with a word for a season, He wants to take the nation to a greater manifestation of the Kingdom of Heaven, taking us from one degree of Glory to another degree of Glory, as the Word says, "glory to glory."
There are repercussions when we reject what Father wants to release and bring His Body into. We have been good as a nation at quickly jumping to conclusions on what is God, and what is not God, based on current revelation. We need to grow in real discernment out of the Holy Spirit, not based in fear, but love.
The Father's Desire
You see, what the Father wants to release out of this nation is like nothing that this world has ever heard or seen. It's been prophesied and spoken about decade after decade, but it seems that when Father starts to release it, or bring a word or sound or revelation that plays a part to unlock it, we don't accept it, passing judgement too early and then in turn we prolong the full manifestation of Father's desire. We are co-workers (co-creators) with CHRIST, so our agreement is very important as Sons of God in bringing the Word of God into manifestation.
“What the Father wants to release out of this nation is like nothing that this world has ever heard or seen.”
A Prophetic Encounter
Father is releasing the next wave of revelation, understanding and government of God in New Zealand.
I say this because............we, as a company (GloryFire Tribe), found ourselves before the Throne on the 24th of January repenting and acknowledging the dismissal and dishonour of God's anointed and His Word; this took us by surprise as we were led in this way. A cry came out of us with revelation showing us what I previously mentioned as our weakness.
We sincerely asked that we as a nation would not miss what Father wants to release. We recognised that we have rejected the Word of God, and the vessels, at times, and we acknowledged that we make decisions based on our fear of being deceived, or our current understanding, when the Father wants to expand our understanding. We stood on behalf of the Body of Christ and this nation, and cried out that He would not pass us by, that He would not take what He wanted released here to another nation, and that we would not miss it. This was a real tangible time.
We were before Him for a time, and as we were humbling ourselves and praying, He released His verdict which came out in a frequency. This was very powerful. He heard our plea, "We will abandon ourselves for the sake of the manifestation of Father's desire in this nation." While we sensed that it was going off shore to another nation, Father had declared that, "It shall be reinstated in this nation; it will not pass by."
The Lord said to me...
"New Zealand this year you are going to see an increased acceleration shift. The Sound multiplied, a wind, a glory storm on a spiritual, governmental, national level. I see the platform in the north rising up. There is a force coming from the south that will come under the earth and raise the platform up in the north. I see the subsonic underneath and the ultrasonic above working in unison to bring this natural realm into the order and position of the Kingdom, releasing a hypersonic frequency of the glory. As that sound from the throne is released a major demonic principality will come into the divine order of its defeat, and into the divine victory of Christ where it has lost its power. Its hold and influence will be shattered. As a result, revelation and conviction will come on the heart of the corporate Body of Christ and a new honour will be instated in the nation.
As a result the dominion of CHRIST has come into manifestation and the government of God is being displayed, and the seven doors open for a release of the seven Spirits of God through the land accelerating revelation, understanding, fear of the Lord, Spirit of might, Spirit of the Lord, counsel, and wisdom throughout the Body of Christ.
New awakenings and beginnings of greater harvest you will see beginning as the year turns over to 2017. 2+1+7=10 Completion and perfection of this divine shift. New Zealand would be shifted and accelerated into the perfect alignment of the will of the Father, set in the perfect direction towards His desire and the purpose of this nation as a Kingdom and Glory nation to the world."
So.... let's do it New Zealand. Set your face like flint towards the Face of God that He would take us into His heart and bring us fully into the manifestation of His Word. It was the 24th of January when this was released. Read Psalm 24. Not just from verse 7, but verse 1 all the way through. We, as a nation, are not going to allow another 'Round the Mountain Experience' to happen again. Enter into the full acceleration of the Sound Multiplied and see what Father does.
Father has set it in motion.
Leon Kelly, along with his wife Rowan, are founders of Arc Movement and Jesus Gathering, an apostolic and prophetic mission to New Zealand and the world, building a habitation of the Glory and Kingdom of Christ. They have 5 grown children and reside both in Dunedin and Auckland. Click here for more info...