


by Cindy Jacobs


Given at the Global Congress on Community Transformation, Guatemala on Oct 31, 2002

This is the word of the Lord –

"New are a jewel in My hands, and I’m going to use you to affect the whole world"

 “You’re going to be a first fruits nation for this… I’m going to raise up apostles, prophets, and intercessors. You are to gather the prophets; I’m going to mix them with the apostles. I’m going to put a communication system in place. There’s an early-warning device that I’m going to put in New Zealand not only for New Zealand, because from the rising of the sun, the Son of Righteousness will arise with healing in His wings.”

And the Lord is going to use you to warn the nations of the earth “For I’m going to connect you with other prophets.” But the Lord says, “New Zealand, I have created you for this day, to put the government upon My shoulders, to lay a foundation, to see those islands transformed. New Zealand, you are a jewel in My hands, and I’m going to use you to affect the whole world”, says the Lord.




Cindy Jacobs is the founder of the church movement and ministry - Generals International. She is a respected prophet and prophetic intercessor. Cindy has authored seven books. Her husband’s name is Mike, their children are Daniel and Mary Madison, and she has five grandchildren.
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