by Graham Cooke
Given at Aglow International NZ Conference in Christchurch, March 2016,
Delivered By: Graham Cooke, Member of Aglow International Board of Directors
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The transcript is below:
The Lord would say to this nation that He adores, "This is the place and this is the time of My choosing. This is the nation where I choose to do as I please. This is more than just your time, this is My time. This is My time in New Zealand, this is My time for New Zealand. This is My time and I will indulge My passion for My people even in your midst. I have measured you in times past, I have corrected you and changed your face. I have seen you on your knees and I have heard your prayers. Long years past, many generations have I seen kneeling and praying, grandmothers and mothers crying out, "Oh God, when? Oh God, when?" And the Lord says, "That 'when' is now. This is the day, this is the time of your rising. Behold I come to fulfil the dreams that I placed in the heart of all those intercessors for all those generations. The enemy has measured you for a coffin, but I have measured you for a blessing, and now it is time to open the rivers from the heights of heaven and pour out My Spirit upon all people in this nation.
“The enemy has measured you for a coffin, but I have measured you for a blessing, and now it is time to open the rivers from the heights of heaven and pour out My Spirit upon all people in this nation.”
The water level is rising in this house, in this city, in this region, in this nation. I have promised many things to Myself in this country and in this city. I have come to do what I want, I have come to please Myself. I have come to indulge My passion for My people. This is My time, too. My beloved will know My presence. My beloved will feel a weight of blessing like a wave of water being poured out on the parched earth. This is no flash flood; the ancient dry river beds will be filled with water and will flow again throughout this nation. Places that knew, and lost, previous moves shall know a new refreshing and a continuous flow of blessing.
Beloved, with this new outpouring I require a new stewardship. I require that there shall be no partisan spirit but a partnership of Kingdom minded people. I require a partnership of fathers who will produce new works and develop the sons of heaven in this nation. This city, this region, this nation shall be a portrait of heaven, a visual aid to the lost, a house set on high where My glory shall be visible. You are my new poem, the craftsmanship of heaven that will overcome the religious spirit and join together as a corporate man. Many expressions of life; one Body in Christ.
“I require that there shall be no partisan spirit but a partnership of Kingdom minded people. I require a partnership of fathers who will produce new works and develop the sons of heaven in this nation.”
Behold, the water level is rising and the place of healing is rising with it. Miracles and signs and wonders, and the raising of the dead to life - all things are possible in the river of My blessing. I'm taking the roof off of every church in this country. I'm taking the roof off of every church in this country. I will stand in your midst and sing a song over you and you shall know an open heaven and worship will increase as the glory of God descends. Many people will come to the waters for I am the fountain of life in your midst. I'm taking the roof off; I will not deny you anything, nor will I withhold. I will fill this land with blessing. I will soak the walls of every church, I will no longer, I can no longer, deny Myself; I will indulge Myself in this nation. I will sweep you off your feet, I will romance My beloved and a new intimacy will be released.
It is the time of dreaming because the time of longing is at an end. This is the time of dreaming and the longing of My heart for you will be indulged. The water level is rising, beloved, and my passion is rising with it. I will build My Throne in this nation. I will make this My home, I will smile upon you, sing over you, say "Yes" to all that you ask, say "Yes" to all the longings and dreams that I have placed within your heart. I give you permission to ask of Me. I AM is with you and permission is granted. I am saying"Yes" to your families, I am saying"Yes" to your children, I am saying "Yes" to your marriage, I am saying "Yes" to your finances, I am saying"Yes" to your prodigals, I am saying "Yes" to your promotion, I am saying "Yes" to your blessing, I am saying "yes" to your upgrade, I am saying "Yes" to your inheritance, I am saying "Yes" to your dreams, I am saying "Yes" to your anointing.
“The water level is rising, beloved, and my passion is rising with it. I will build My Throne in this nation. I will make this My home, I will smile upon you, sing over you, say “Yes” to all that you ask, say “Yes” to all the longings and dreams that I have placed within your heart.”
I give you permission to be bold and to ask of Me. People under My anointing will travel through the land and they will cry out for the waste places and I will say "Yes". You will go into the ruined places of your cities, to the low places where the enemy lives, and you will cry out and I will say "Yes". You will lay your hands on abandoned factories and speak to Me, and I will say "Yes". Businesses will come from other nations and there shall be full employment in this nation. And when I answer you it is because I am saying "Yes" to My own desires and passions in your midst. When I say "Yes" to you it is because I have promised Myself. Heaven has come down and great joy will be released, and this shall be to you, as a nation, like the day of Israel's release from captivity in Egypt - deliverance from oppression, a coming out with the high hand of God, receiving the wealth of the wicked. This shall be like the day of the rebuilding of the temple, when My presence shall come down in such power that no one shall stand. This shall be like Pentecost, a mighty rushing wind, flames of fire, awe and wonder and astonishment in the hearts of this population.
The Lord would ask, "Beloved, does that sound too good to be true? Does it sound too good to be true? That's how you know it's Me, 'cause I put everything I am on this line before this nation. I've heard your prayers, I've collected your tears, and now this is your time and it is My time. Let's enjoy this time together."
I'm taking the roofs off cathedrals and churches, offices and stores and government buildings, an outpouring that is inescapable, and that changes a city and a region and a nation. You will come to a day when all opposition will tumble. Every wall raised against Me will crumble, it shall be as Jericho - not a judgement on people, but a dismantling of all that the enemy has raised up. And the Lord says, "I'm going on tour throughout this nation. I'm touring, I've got My bus, I'm touring throughout this nation and I'm pouring out springs of living water in the low places, in the high places. Downpours will come, basements will flood, and the enemy will be flushed out and exposed. There is no hiding place for the corrupt and the wicked, but the refreshing will find them out. Even as I shone My light on a rampaging Saul of Tarsus, so do I make My enemies My friends, My beloved. And this shall be a city and a nation renewed, reformed and resplendent. My arms are open wide to gather all into My house.
These are extraordinary times, beloved, when the wisdom of heaven will replace the intellect of man and I will create over you all the things that I long to see. Heaven will come down. My "Yes" is here, My "Yes" is here, My "Yes" is here, My "Yes" is here and now, My "Yes" is here and now, My "Yes" is here and now. Ask Me, don't be slow in asking Me. It's time for joy and laughter. This is a time when tears will cease. The broken will be restored, and everything will live where the river flows, and you will hear Me laughing, and the sound of joy will fill the air, and the high place will be brought low, and the low place shall be raised up. Kings shall fall and new kings will appear, and My government shall come and the authority to rule will be released. There shall be no sound of mourning, there shall be no sound of grieving, there shall be no sound of crying, there shall be no sound of weeping and there shall be no sound of wailing. I will lift up the light of My countenance upon you and you will live under My smile. In this place of permission, ask of Me. Ask Me for your city. Ask Me from the place of dreaming, though. Align yourself with My passion, resonate with My heart.
“I will lift up the light of My countenance upon you and you will live under My smile. In this place of permission, ask of Me. Ask Me for your city. Ask Me from the place of dreaming, though. Align yourself with My passion, resonate with My heart.”
To all those who long for intimacy, you shall be filled. To all those who want power without presence, I will not listen to you. Bow down and make a new alignment with Me or I shall take what you have built by your own hand and give it to another. The King has come and all rulers must bow.
I'm taking the roof off and I'm pouring out a blessing that will wash the cities clean. The water level is rising, the water level is rising, the water level is rising in this nation and now you must learn to live and walk in abundance. You must learn to give, and not waste the fulness that I bestow upon you. I have measured you for a blessing that you cannot contain. You must let it flow out.
I have promised Myself many things in this nation and I will indulge Myself and My passion shall be unchecked. I come to this country to fulfil the dream of My heart", says the Lord, "as I answer the prayers of your heart." I come to fulfil My passion in this place, and so I tell you, "The water level is rising, the water level - it's rising, the water level - it's rising, the water level - it's rising, rising."
“I come to fulfil My passion in this place, and so I tell you, “The water level is rising, the water level - it’s rising, the water level - it’s rising, the water level - it’s rising, rising.”
I'd like you to stand up, if you would. This is a crafted prayer I wrote for every believer, every church in this nation, and I give it to you humbly, and I just say, "Use it until the Lord gives you a better one." And when you get a better prayer, could you email it to me. That'd be good. Here we go...
So we say "Yes" to You, Lord. We affirm our intention shall be as Yours. We agree with heaven. We agree with heaven. Sweep us off our feet. Let us taste Your passion. Build Your Throne in our hearts. Let us see Your passion. Take the roof off. Yes, Lord, take the roof off. Take the roof off my house and my church and my business and the place where I work. Let the water level rise continuously until I am overwhelmed by the overflow, until we are overwhelmed by the overflow. Soak these walls, Lord, soak these walls. Soak these walls. Let this house, let this church be a sacred space. Do all that's on Your heart to do, we resonate with You. Do all that's on Your heart to do, we resonate with You. Do all that is on Your heart to do, we resonate with You.
Fill this place, fill our hearts, fill this place, fill our hearts, fill this place, fill our hearts. Let heaven come down and worship here. Let the sound of heaven be heard in this nation. Do unprecedented things, beyond our reasoning and beyond our imagination. O God, let a certain sound go out across the cities and the nation. Indulge Yourself, dear God. Let the rivers flow. Release permission, favour and blessing and your kind intention. Thank You for this living water, a fountain of life flowing within each of us, a river being outpoured, the water level rising.
We say "Yes" to all that You intend. May our purpose, our desire and placement be fully aligned with Your indulgence. We say, "Amen, may it be so." Thank You for measuring us for Your blessing. Raise up fathers across the nation who will steward this outpouring for the sake of the Kingdom and for the greater glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. In His Name we pray, amen, amen, amen.
Read Graham Cooke's prophetic word for Christchurch
Graham Cooke is a powerful, revelatory communicator who has a passion to empower the people of God to walk in their true identity. His prophetic insights are much sought after in the boardrooms of a variety of organizations. Graham has been involved in apostolic teams since 1981 and has cultivated a wide range of expertise in transitional development, corporate reinvention, and personal redefinition. Graham is an author and the publisher of many resources including books, teaching CD’s and videos. Graham is married to Theresa; they currently reside in the USA although Graham originally comes from Manchester, England.
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