by Lyn Packer

January 2022

In all that we’re currently facing we can take comfort from the fact that we don’t face things alone, and that the Lord will never leave us or forsake us. He will be with us in them, strengthening us, helping us, providing for us, giving us wisdom, comfort and providing a way through. He will guide us, be our provider, and our shelter in the storm, as we trust Him. He is our loving Father, the friend who sticks closer than a brother, and our wise counsellor.

As I’ve been praying over the past couple of months leading into 2022, I’ve felt the Lord speak to me, and show me the following things about different areas.

The first is, we need to strengthen ourselves in Him, be intentional about turning to Him when we are worried, and let Him love and encourage us, because this coming year is going to be another year of facing personal trials and upheaval, as well as national ones. The world has changed and we cannot afford to look back and wish for the way things were. This ending of an era is not bad, although the circumstances that catapulted us into change have been hard. It is, in fact, a doorway of hope and fresh vision, if we allow it to be that; one that will lead us to new ways of operating as individuals, and as the church. This will take increased dependence on the Lord’s guidance, and the willingness and flexibility to move as He asks us to, to move with the winds of change without losing established values and vision.  

A decade of restructuring

For the rest of this decade we can expect to see fluctuations and continued uneasiness in the world, as it seeks to find its feet in the age of change and uncertainty that Covid has brought. The areas of personal finances and the economy of the nation will continue to be hit hard. In the midst of this time a great restructuring is taking place, and as we look to the Lord we can expect Him to release new ideas and strategies to people, making a way where there seems to be no way. Expect an increase in divine revelation, ideas, strategies, downloads and ways through, for you individually, and for your community. Ask God to give you ideas, and when He does, be willing to step out and trust that He will help you and show you how best to implement them. They may involve hard work and tenacity, but as we embrace and establish the vision, we’ll find that it will do two main things – build in us a strength, flexibility, tenacity and overcoming spirit, as well as benefit us and others.

Inner work

God is calling us into a deeper place of dependence on the Holy Spirit to lead us and guide us in our daily life. During this time God has been doing a deep work of maturing in the lives of those who have let Him. He has been working particularly on areas of character, attitude, and healing hurts that got glossed over, or avoided, in the busyness of life and ministry. As a result mental health and well-being will become an area of increasing focus, as many suffer ongoing effects from Covid, causing trauma and anxiety issues.

The Lord has also been working on challenging wrong ideas and theologies that we have allowed to become established in our lives. He is making us increasingly aware of the need to spend more time relating to Him, and  searching the scriptures for the truth of their meaning. He is saying to us, “Don’t just rely on other people’s interpretations or understanding of things; search out the truth for yourself.”

There is an emphasis on the need to increase in our discernment. Discernment is based on two things – revelation the Holy spirit provides, and good critical thinking and assessment skills. We need both. Being able to discern what God wants to do, to distinguish between truth and lies, twisted information, to discern which spirits are at work behind the scenes in situations, and to be able to think matters through clearly, is going to be critical in the days ahead of us.

I believe the Lord is saying, “Fear not, be courageous. The work I am doing in you is a good work, one that will be not only a blessing to you personally, but as it is established, will be a blessing for many generations.

Outer expression

Many Christians are receiving new assignments from the Lord, and often these are vastly different to what they’ve been involved with previously. This is causing some to wonder if it is the Lord, and to resist letting go of the old in order to step into new things. We must be  humble and teachable, open to leaving behind old ways of doing things, embracing new ideas, new ways of working and living. The Lord has new ways of operating ahead for us as individuals, and as churches, but whether the world is reached, or we become increasingly irrelevant, will be up to each of us responding to the depth of the work He wants to do in us.

Genuine, authentic, relationship with others is going to become increasingly important in the days ahead, and while churches may increase their online presence and content, it cannot afford to be seen as a suitable substitute for in-person connection. Smaller groups and small house churches will become more of a focus in order to meet the need for connection, and family, and to support each other.

Families, and the relationships within them, have come under increasing pressure, and many are showing the areas that need strengthening. Be intentional about doing so. The Lord is wanting to release revelation for how to develop ongoing support systems for individuals and families, and I believe He is saying, “If this is something that is on your heart, ask Me for answers, ask Me for ideas, and I’ll give them to you.”

I have also felt a fresh reminder from the Lord that we must look out for, and care for, those around us – our family, friends and neighbours. Love, kindness, gentleness, and the genuine desire to show the Lord’s love for people, will be so important in being able to share the gospel. Being a living expression of God’s love and care, instead of just speaking about it, will be a key factor in many people’s coming to know the Lord.

Move forward with hope and purpose 

Your life has meaning and purpose, and the Lord is wanting to refresh that sense of purpose as He invites you to dream fresh dreams with Him, reveals to you fresh strategy, and gives you new assignments. Ask the Lord for wisdom, for strategic insight, as to how to move forward in this season. The Lord is with you, He will not fail to be true to His nature, character or promises. Trust Him, lean on Him, and let Him love you and be the wrap-around God who gives grace, as so many verses in Psalms tell us He is.

Here’s some of the verses referred to in this word for you to ponder on – John 16:33;  1 Pet 1:6; Deut 31:8; Phil 4:19; Psa 28:7; Jam 1:5; Rom 8:15-16; 1 John 3:1; John 14:16-18, 26; John 16:13; Isa 9:6. Wrap-around God verses in Psalms – Psa 5:12; Psa 7:10-13; Psa 16:1-12; Psa 18:30-36; Psa 62:1-12; Psa 84:9-11; Psa 91; Psa 115:9-11.


Prayer is not just us coming to God with a list of requests. As part of our relationship with Him, it is us having a conversation with the Lord, which involves talking and listening on both sides. The following prayer points are some things you can talk to Him about in regards to this prophetic word.

  • Pray for an increased day by day, moment by moment, awareness of the Lord’s presence with you.

  • Ask Him how He wants to strengthen you, and what He wants to use to do that.

  • Pray for peace, personally and corporately, in the church in the midst of the continued instability the world is facing.

  • Pray for divine revelation to be released – new ideas, strategies, ways to help individuals and our communities through these times.

  • Spend time with the Lord, asking Him what inner work He wants to do in you personally – what mindsets need to be pulled down and new ones established. What areas of character, attitude, and healing need to come so that you move forward in strength.

  • Pray for increased discernment in the church, both personally and corporately.

  • Ask the Lord if He has any new assignments for you, and how and when you should step out into them.

  • Ask the Lord to open your eyes to the needs around you, and the knowledge of which ones He would have you meet.



Lyn is recognised as a Prophet within New Zealand and other nations she’s ministered in. Her ministry is revelatory and catalytic, propelling people into encounter with God. The governmental prophetic gift she carries is expressed through prophetic, revelatory insight and strategy, prophetic words (personal, corporate and national), teaching, art, and writing. Click here for more info...

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