by David Peters
God told the apostle John, “You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, languages and kings.” (Revelation 10:11) Currently, there is a resurgence of the ministry of prophets in New Zealand and the world. The prophetic voice to the church and to the world must rise as never before. Not only at the level of the gift of prophecy, which is to edify, exhort, and comfort (which is open to all believers), but also in prophetic declaration from prophetic ministers and prophets that contains revelation, wisdom, direction, prediction, and brings about governmental shifts in the nations. Can this happen? Here is one testimony to show that it can happen.
Emmerson Mnangagawa, new interim president of Zimbabwe
In November, 2017 in Dallas, Texas, many prophets from all over the world gathered for a conference. During one of the meetings, a Zimbabwean prophet stood and shared tearfully his burden for his nation and Africa as a whole. The other prophets began to intercede for Zimbabwe and prophetically declare a shift in government within that nation. Later they heard that the military had placed President Robert Mugabe under house arrest. When they examined the timing, they discovered that the military had moved at the precise hour they prayed and prophesied. Zimbabwe now has new interim leadership and we must pray that ultimately there will be good permanent leadership. Clearly, many people had prayed for a number of years, but it took a prophetic declaration to finally shift things.
Isaiah 9:6 says, “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” This is who Jesus is, not only when he returns, but now. Because of this, the next verse is truth that we need to prophesy and pray into being: “Of the increase of his government there will be no end.” (v.7)
Psalm 75:10 is an encouragement to the praying church: “I will cut off the strength of the wicked, and increase the power of the godly.” God will do this by dethroning powers of darkness that have governed peoples and nations for far too long. He will also deploy his sons and daughters into positions of governance and influence throughout the earth. Many who have been hidden (for protection and development) will be positioned in this next season. Deployment is a big word for this time. Daniel 2:22 (NLT) says, “[God] determines the course of world events; he removes kings and sets others on the throne.”
In the last few years, the Holy Spirit has released a greater fire in the church in three areas:
- prayer,
- mission, and
- the pursuit of God’s presence and power.
This is to the end that the first half of the Lord’s Prayer will be answered. Much of the church has been camped in the second half of that prayer, praying for personal blessing and protection which is legitimate but secondary (Give us this day our daily bread etc.) But now a change is taking place so that we will pray more from the first half: Honoured be your name; Let your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
In March, 2017, I had a vision in which I saw the Lord standing beside a huge fire in heaven. He told me that he wanted Elijahs to call down fire from heaven upon earth – men and women of prophetic/intercessory anointing and bold faith. The fire was to convince the lost to serve the Lord and not false gods (as in Elijah’s day – see 1 Kings 18) and awaken many of God’s people who had become ambivalent regarding evil or passive regarding the extension of God’s Kingdom. The coming of the fire would be like the upper room on Pentecost Day when fire fell and transformed lives (see Acts 2). He is creating upper rooms all over the earth. Their chief characteristics are unceasing prayer and unity. They are the forerunners of a global outpouring of the Spirit and release of the Kingdom of God on earth.
Twenty years ago, there were only a few 24/7 houses of prayer or prayer rooms; today there are an estimated 20,000 globally. In the coming years may church and marketplace prophets arise and prophesy again to many peoples, nations, languages and kings (leaders in government, business, media, education, arts etc.). May all of God’s people elevate their praying so that, “Of the increase of His kingdom, there will be no end.”
David Peters has long been recognised as a Prophet, both within New Zealand and internationally. He and his wife Greta are the founders of SpiritLife Ministries and are currently based at Church Unlimited, a large, multicultural church in Auckland. They travel extensively both within New Zealand and overseas, inspiring people to have unwavering hope despite life’s circumstances and equipping them to operate in the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit in daily life. For more info...