


by Brad Panther

I witnessed what was a theatre play (or stage production); the velvet red curtains were drawn in anticipation of a new scene.  I suddenly became aware by the Spirit that there had been no dress rehearsal!

It was a completely unrehearsed scene about to unfold; the Actors were mad-scrambling and changing quickly into new garments. Props and aides were being moved around the stage, behind the scenes, to create this all new set. All of this was happening before the curtains drew back. I sensed an air of nervous excitement. Heaven was watching. 

It became apparent to me that an entirely new wardrobe was needed, and last scene’s garments had to be quickly exchanged by the Cast to not look “out of place”. What they were clothed in was no longer appropriate. 

The operative phrase was, “unexpected change,” a change of garments, and a change of scene. Change was happening in a short moment and was demonstrated in this Prophetic Encounter.

“I am announcing something completely new and it is not in your script. It will take many of my people by surprise, but i need to make my Bride ready for what is now unfolding." He is also saying, "The time has come to “put on the garments of praise for the spirit of heaviness” of the last season. A new sound of praise is being released and it will reverberate from the heavens at sonic speed and cause a boom in the Earth, even Aotearoa. I am in the sound and I am in the Breakthrough that follows!"

Heaviness of heart is leaving. God is removing burdens and ill-fitting garments and is exchanging them for His own, full of His Righteousness. His yoke is easy, and His burden is light. “I am clothing My Church where there has been nakedness and shame in the last season. I am making her ready.” 

I believe the Lord is saying, “Delayed disappointment is being exchanged for a “promise fulfilled!” Hope deferred has made many of my people heart sick, so I am healing hearts to believe and dream again in this new unfolding scene. Take heart, My people; though it unfolds rapidly, know that I am with you IN the transition, and I am IN the change."



Brad has been involved with youth, pastoral, and prophetic worship ministry for 24 years in the Far North and is currently Worship Pastor at Kaitaia Christian Fellowship. Since graduating from Faith Bible College in 1993, following a time of visitation and encounter on Campus, he has been on a journey seeking to minister out of the secret place to release the new sound, spontaneous song, and word of the Lord. He has a fervent passion to see the “Long White Glory Cloud” covering the Land of Aotearoa and a new zeal arising for the Lord’s House.


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