


by Ian Johnson

In 2008 we were on the verge of a major move of God in New Zealand - There was a sustained attack on this move from within and without, and as a nation we failed to steward what God had given us.

Ten years on and Iā€™m seeing the same signs of a move of God in our land. The challenge for us is to Not allow the same attacks to happen again.

What happened?

1) Leaders at the forefront of the move allowed offence and fear to rule. They used an email data base they had gathered of everyone hungry for a move in New Zealand to discredit and renounce everything they had been part of. People became disillusioned.

2) The pendulum of the grace move swung wildly and the financial support base of the move and churches supporting the move dried up. (This grace message said that Giving was legalism and religion). Churches closed as people stopped giving and stopped gathering together in corporate worship.

The Lord spoke to me clearly that the glory is returning.

Just before the attack on the move started in 2008 I released the word below and I feel to release it again 10 years on.

Here is the word from 2008 -

Change is coming to New Zealand. The feet of Jesus have begun to walk the land in a new and fresh way. He is calling people by name and in the same way that Zacchaeus was changed by his encounter, the encounters that are coming will bring Change.

I saw thousands changed in a short space of time in New Zealand. I saw multitudes begin to function as sons and daughters. It doesn't look like any thing you have ever seen before, it doesn't sound like any thing you have heard before. I saw signs in the sky and signs on the earth. Signs that can only be explained as heavenly.

I saw a well producing! A national well. I saw men, women and children being sent out in literal clouds of glory.

I saw a door flung open into the heavens, I felt the rush of a holy wind blowing over the land, I heard the sound of rain, the sound of a drought breaking, I saw lightnings and I heard thunders of a rolling army moving out into the harvest of the nations from the land on NZ.

I heard an alarm in the enemy's camp, and I saw Angels of Change being released into their roles in the land.

I saw the moon shine in its fullness, signalling "Time"; it was a harvest moon, ( as a side note 2018 started with a harvest moon).

I saw flashes of lighting strike the earth, signalling a release of power. (2018 started with massive electrical storms in NZ).

I saw an Ocean of love; it was like the heart of Jesus revealed to the nation. I heard the Lord say come into the Ocean. I saw the saints who had gone before; I heard their shouts. I saw the door open wide again; I felt the wind, it's the South wind, blowing through the south lands. I heard the cry of Angels saying, "Wake up, it's time to wake up. It's time to enter His Ocean." 

I was then reminded of a word given to me almost 12 months ago, in 2007.

"A ship will never discover new lands unless it leaves the port." I saw a Ship in full sail. The sails were full of wind and the ship was at full speed. It was captain Cook's ship, the Endeavour. The Lord said, "I used this ship to chart new ground; before she came NZ wasn't on the map." The Lord said, "I'm sending the ship again, and again NZ will be on the map."




Ian Johnson is an itinerant prophetic revelator and revivalist from Auckland, teaching and activating with fresh mana from the Word. He and his wife, Joye, minister together, encouraging the body of Christ to move into revival and the Glory realm.

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