by Jill Smith

January 2025

God is moving and so we, the Church, will be moving too. There’s a fresh momentum in the Spirit to arise and courageously advance into new places and possibilities. There's an encouragement to only consider the challenges you’ve come through so far as prompts to celebrate God’s faithfulness and build your faith and confidence in Him. Focus forward.

Lift your vision to the possibilities and promises that the Lord is revealing. Know that through the journey so far, God has positioned and equipped you with the wisdom, faith and grace needed to advance and grow into new responsibilities and possibilities. Just as Joshua led the people into the promised land, trusting that God had gone before them, Jesus is leading you forward into new things. As you respond and go with God, heavenly strategies and needed grace to overcome obstacles and opposition will come at just the right time. The Lord says, “Trust and obey today!”

Some have been through intense times of focussed preparation and transformation where God has healed, redeemed, reordered and reset areas of their lives that would otherwise have hindered them moving forward. There’s a “Well done” affirmation from the Father to those who responded to the deep calls to deep invitation of the Spirit, and who did the work required to rebuild foundations and restore good health and godly order. But now it’s time to get up and get moving; there’s a shift, a change of gear, a call to focus forward and follow Jesus with faith and courage.

God is equipping people with strength and courage. He charged Joshua: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” (Josh 1:9). When God spoke, faith and grace, as well as direction and strategy, was imparted, and He is saying to many today: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Receive an impartation of God’s strength and courage today.

God gave Joshua a primary strategy for success in the face of his future challenges: He commanded Joshua to diligently remember and be faithful to the revelation that had come through Moses, the Law (Josh 1:9). And now, moving forward, there’s an equipping encouragement not to abandon the faithful teaching, revelation, prophetic words and promises received in times past. There’s a reminder to intentionally partner with God’s Word, to read and apply Bible truths, and remember promises and prophesies for your future. These have the power to direct and protect your steps and fortify your heart and mind.

There’s a charge to diligently wage a good warfare with the Word of God, including your prophesies: “Timothy my son, I am giving you this command in keeping with the prophesies once made about you, so that by recalling them you may fight the battle well, holding onto faith and a good conscience” (1 Tim 1:18). The mind is the battle ground; as you advance be willing to be regularly refocussed by God’s Word, to deflect and defeat the distractions of the world, the flesh and the demonic realm. Advancing like this, you will overcome fear with a confidence that God is with you and that His Word will guide and equip you to succeed in all He has called you to do.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present you requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” (Phil 4:6-7).

As you look forward into 2025 and beyond, let the acid test in all your decision making and envisioning be: faith over fear; God’s peace over anxiety; and His faithful Word and promises over any other prediction or strategy.



Jill is a New Zealander of pakeha and Maori (Tainui) decent based in the Franklin Region, just south of Auckland. She is married to Don and together they have a boisterous and greatly loved family, 4 children, their spouses and 11 grandkids. Jill has worked as a teacher, counsellor, art therapist, bible school lecturer and church minister. She is also a practicing artist, currently researching the potential of art to shift people’s focus and create space for encounter with God. She has ministered prophetically and encouraged, trained and mentored others in the prophetic over a number of years. She is currently developing a prophetic hub based at Uplift Church, Pukekohe, where she and Don have ministered for nearly 10 years. Recently stepping aside from pastoral leadership responsibilities, Jill is now freer to travel, focus the developing prophetic hub, write, and spend more time in her studio, one of her favourite places to spend time alone with God. She can be contacted at

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