


by Vicki Trustrum

This prophetic word was given at the NZ Council of Prophets meeting in Christchurch, February 2021.


In December, while seeking the Lord about 2021, I got the word “engagement”. The key things that came out for me were that engagement is active, and it can also be a pledge. We have pledged ourselves to Jesus as our Lord and we engage in activities of the Kingdom of God.

Prophetic Word

In prayer this is what the Lord spoke;

I have been speaking to my Prophets for a period of time, saying that a shift was coming – a shift to My Bride worldwide. In the midst of the chaos of the world, shifts have occurred that I'm going to use for the sake of My Kingdom worldwide and, yes, New Zealand has a key role. I want you to arise, wake up and arise. Some people thought that as a nation you were dead spiritually. But I speak over you like I spoke over Jairus’ daughter, “She’s not dead, she's only sleeping” and I say to you, “Arise New Zealand, arise stand up in your destiny, engage in the things that I am giving you to do. Engage in what I've already spoken. What I have spoken is part of the plan. You keep crying out for more! You say; “What are you wanting us to do?” But I encourage you, look back on those words I have already spoken, look back on the things I've already given you – they line up together to show you what I'm requiring – and engage those things, engage in those things that I've given you. I've called you into alignment, I have called you to be a people that are fired up and ready. I've called you to be a people that are alert. I’ve called you to come into the position where I've sent you. I’ve deployed you to different places – some of you who were far off, and in far off nations, through what has happened in the last year, I've actually brought you home for a time like this; this is the season for you to engage in the things that I’ve laid upon your heart. You thought that they were for another place, you thought they were for another church, but they are not – they are for here and now. They are for the position that I've put you in – to serve, not to rule over; you are to serve. The key of this Kingdom is that the one who is the highest washes the feet of the lowest, and this is a turnaround for many of you in your thinking. This is a turnaround for many of you that thought that the high place meant you’d made it! But I am shifting some things so that the rearranging alignment and deployment can happen and you can be engaged.

I have given to some of you ten minas, some five minas, and to some of you one mina. What are you going to do with them? Are you going to engage with the things that I’ve called you to? You’ll look back in your journal and see those things; you may have forgotten those things but I have not. I’m saying, “Now is the time to look at those things. Now is the time to arise! Now is the time to step forward into those things that I have called you to do. I am shifting and awakening because there is a battle where darkness is treading forward, but steps that My Bride are taking are greater. The steps that I'm giving are going to shift New Zealand first of all into revival within the church, and then awakening through the nation.”

I bring revival of my people so there is no place for things of iniquity, there is no place for the place of sin. Do not be complacent with things that are not right. Part of the alignment, part of the deployment, is putting things right so that when you engage you are in the position as a righteous holy Bride, as a righteous holy servant of the most high God. For My Kingdom to advance you must stand in that position. How do you do it? Walk with Me, walk with Me in a position of humility and surrender.

“I have shown you O man what I require; that you do justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8.)

This is what I am calling you to now, that you would engage in those things that I'm showing you. For some of you it means pulling out old prophetic words from even as far back as a decade ago. You’ve been seeking the new thing. I'm encouraging you to look back at what I said 10 years ago, 15 years ago. I have not changed my mind on those things and until you grasp them, until you run with them, I cannot fling wide the next door, I cannot open the gates of destiny into those things. Pick up and run with all that I’ve given, because Now is the season. There is blessing about to flow as you pick up and run with those words that I’ve spoken. You need to be obedient to those words; engage with those words and I'm going to open them more. Engage in those things, battle for them within the realms to see freedom and breakthrough occur, and then you will engage in even greater works and greater things. You’ve cried out for greater miracles; engage in the things I’ve already told you to do.

Do not let the enemy condemn you when you look and realise that you forgot that word, or you look and see that you laid that word down, or you looked and you weren’t obedient to that. Repent (Turn around) and then step up and engage in it again. In your repentance I forgive and I cleanse, and I refresh and re-strengthen. Do not forget that My Word says, “In repentance are times of refreshing.” So when you come in repentance of heart in the day of refreshing you will rise up into the fullness of what I have for you to engage in, and it will be something of great worth for you. Not only to see the change in this nation, but how it is going to have an affect around the world, like a shaking that occurs where a tsunami comes out of it and the affect of the ripples will go around the world and will touch many. You will see an arising like never before, and out of it will flow blessing, fulfilment and great joy as you see what I'm doing. But it's about aligning with those things that I've spoken, and what I’m calling you to, and standing in the positions where I’ve deployed you, and then engaging in what I’ve shown you.”


“…to cut stones for setting, to carve wood, and to engage in all kinds of artistic work.” (Ex 35:33 ISV.)

“The Lord also said, ‘Get up, move out, and cross the Arnon Valley. See, I have handed Sihon the Amorite, king of Heshbon, and his land over to you. Begin to take possession of it; engage him in battle.” (Deut 2:24 NASB.)

“Timothy, my son, I am giving you this instruction in keeping with the prophecies previously made about you, so that by them you may strongly engage in battle.” (1 Tim 1:18.)

“This is a trustworthy statement; and concerning these things I want you to speak confidently, so that those who have believed God will be careful to engage in good deeds. These things are good and profitable for men.” (Titus 3:8.)



Vicki has been in ministry since 1984, on the Pastoral Team at Spreydon Baptist until March 1993. Three years in Hawaii at the University of the Nations (YWAM) on School of Worship staff. Then YWAM in Germany for 2 years. In 2000 moving into her own ministry in Germany, ministering in Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, Switzerland, South Africa and Zambia, Australia and New Zealand. End of 2014 she moved back to Christchurch after 18 years in Germany. She is now based in Christchurch, her home town, continuing her ministry in the areas of Worship, the Prophetic, Intercession, Spiritual Warfare, Living in the Glory, Fatherheart and more. Her call is: "To equip the Saints for works of service expanding the Kingdom of God, and that the body of Christ may be built up." Eph. 4:12 For more info