


by Kate Cremisino

April 2020

Over the last year, and throughout New Zealand’s level 4 quarantine restrictions, God has been speaking to me about the future of the church and the way we are to individually posture ourselves at this present moment.

The Body Reuniting

I awoke the other morning with the strong impression that when restrictions are loosened and we reach a level of joining back up together as the people of God that there will be a ​new anointing upon us as the Body when we reconnect. I sensed something special about this moment ahead where all across the nation we will come together physically to express the family of God and work together toward His goals. I sensed there will be a ​new, tangible anointing on that togetherness. It felt reminiscent of the Holy Spirit moving in Jerusalem after the disciples spent time sequestered away in the “upper room”. We have been sequestered away in isolation. In reconnecting together as the Body, I sense something new will take place.

With that impression I strongly felt a word of caution from the Lord for no church expression to take credit for this move, for no church to claim that it started at their gathering, and for no church expression to vainly boast (in secret or publically) that it validates their existing church model. I strongly sensed the Holy Spirit's caution against pride when His presence is made more tangible to us and to remember that it is a gift and that it has a purpose. We are to humbly receive it and work alongside Him in this next season. We are to champion the move of God in all the places it’s moving. Together we are one Body. Together, as whanau in the faith, we proudly wave the same flag of Freedom in Christ. We cannot reach a nation alone.

We must remember at the heart of it all that God is reaching His lost sheep.

He aha te mea nui o te ao

What is the most important thing in the world?

He tangata, he tangata, he tangata

It is the people, it is the people, it is the people.

He’s pouring out for such a time as this because of His love for the lost, His desire to see society transformed and healed. Remain humble of heart as His beloved child.

An Upper Room Moment

Before this fully takes place, I sense we must make good use of this unprecedented window of time that we currently find ourselves in. I sense that we are in an “Upper Room” moment before we “return back to normal”. Except it will never be normal again. We’ve never seen a time like this in history on such an immense global scale. I sense that this is not a time to get caught up in distractions, but to spend time in the “Upper Room” with God, preparing your heart for what’s ahead. It’s a wilderness, transitionary moment as we look forward in both uncertainty and anticipation. He wants us to be strong of heart, mind and spirit, aligned with Him and His Kingdom plans for one’s self, family, community, church expression, city and nation.

Last year God impressed Acts 2 very strongly upon me for 2020. He emphasised that before Jesus ascended He told the disciples not to go out and minister UNTIL the Spirit came. So they listened. They waited, they were filled and they went out. They did not push ahead without being filled by the Spirit’s power and direction first, nor did they remain in a holy huddle getting filled. They were filled for a distinct purpose of reaching others. Today a born again Christian is already filled with the Spirit, but there are times in history when God moves strongly within the Body collectively. I sense that this isolation window of time is a set apart time to seek God in the “Upper Room”, however that looks for you, in order to be prepared for when we are all back together again.

I sense that we must steward the remaining isolation time wisely.​ By now we may have all somewhat adjusted to the new norm. Now that the initial shock is over I sense Him encouraging us to be intentional with this “Upper Room” moment. This is a short, appointed season to go deep on your own with God. In isolation we find ourselves in a position of “feeding ourselves” and relying relatively solely on Him. I sense that we are not to waste this moment, but to be proactive to meet with Him. He will invite you to push against distraction and say “Yes” to His invitation. He is going to deposit much into you at this time to prepare you for what’s ahead.

Let’s be ready and poised to be released out when the doors are flung wide open.

Strict Obedience for a New Wineskin

At the end of 2019 I sensed God emphasise an upcoming season of strict obedience for the church and for existing, or pioneering, ministries. I sensed that He was encouraging His people to wait on Him for direction and strategies in the coming season and not to go ahead of Him with a striving or rushing nature. I sensed that He will impart vision, blueprints, strategic steps and form divine connections when we wait on Him and walk in obedience. This means that your current expression may look very different in the future. The last several months He continues to bring Psalm 127:1 to mind: “​Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.”

As we are in the “Upper Room”, and once we are reunited together, listen to Him for strategies. Do not move ahead too quickly. Do not strive for what you think will work. This is a time for strict obedience to His timing and ideas. In quarantine we have had nearly everything stripped back. Allow Him to strip away whatever He highlights in your life, profession, ministry, and church expression. Be willing to say “Yes” to new strategies. This is our transition into the “new wineskin” moment that’s been prophesied. Do not miss it because of clinging onto the old.

“W​hen you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent... trust in the Lord. Many, Lord, are asking, ‘Who will bring us prosperity?’ Let the light of your face shine on us. Fill my heart with joy when their grain and new wine abound.”​ (​Psalm 4:4-7)

New Zealand has a distinct purpose with an anointed past and future. In this hour let us die to image, to self-made strategies, to the familiar. Let’s be willing to partner with the Holy Spirit into the unknown.

The Death of the Past and the Embracing of the Unknown

What will this unknown look like? What is the new wineskin? A few years ago I had a dream where I saw a gigantic stone statue as tall as a skyscraper slowly falling over, careening over itself. As it fell to the side it was simultaneously crumbling. Within the dream there were two types of people. The first group of people were those who jumped off the crumbling statue to land safely on nearby cliff sides. They were able to let go of the old. Then there was also a mountie (Canadian Mounted Police) on a horse who tried to jump onto the statue and save it. U​nfortunately the mountie and horse crashed down with the stone statue, as there was nothing they could do to keep it up.

I sense this dream represents God bringing an end to some of our generations-old structures and mindsets.

Canadian Mounties were police on horseback established to “​maintain law and order” when Canada acquired new land in the late 1800s. They were assigned to new, uncharted territory, to protect the people in the wild places. For this metaphor I sense that there​ are people who have good intentions to keep generations-old structures and mindsets propped up, and these people will try to “keep law and order”, but are actually unaware that God is doing something new with His people in this season ahead. These structures and mindsets had a beautiful purpose for their time, but as we enter a new era in history I sense that things will be different. I sense God encouraging us all to be willing to die to the old and embrace the new so that something purpose-built for the future can flourish.

I believe God is asking us at this hour, “Are you willing to pioneer with Me and the Body of Christ into new, uncharted territory?”

I encourage you to seek the Lord regarding what this means for you. Be brave and bold to hear His reply. And like Noah, Abraham, and Moses, be ready for Him to give you steps into this new, unchartered territory.



Kate and her husband were called to Christchurch, New Zealand in 2010 from America. They are partnered with Youth With a Mission Oxford and work to build relationships with churches and leaders around the Garden City and beyond. They pioneered Prayer Collective Christchurch, a ministry that helps activate and inspire new expressions of prayer and worship. Learn more at They are also passionate about the future of the Church and are currently working with others to explore new frameworks. 

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