by Colleen Wewege

This prophetic word was given at the NZ Council of Prophets gathering in Christchurch, March 2023.

It has been extremely challenging trying to put into words this year’s prophetic word. Most times God speaks to me primarily through visions and dreams and He then slowly unpacks these to me .This year God has spoken to me clearly through prophetic themes and words. Over the last few months these themes have been confirmed over and over. I will be repeating many that have already been spoken, as I heard them, but I do not in anyway want to state that God has shown me specific details, as I sense we need to be open and ready for Him to move however He wants – “No eye has seen , no ear has heard…” It’s not time for us to be presumptuous. It is His time ! We need to make space for His agenda !

In 2022 we have been renovating and reforming, and around every corner we have needed to be ready to ask, “Now what Lord?", and “How Lord ?" God has been saying, “Trust Me! Yes, actually trust Me – not only when you see how or why, because My ways are not your ways.”

Heaven is meeting us here on earth and we do not know exactly what that looks like, and that’s not for us to be concerned about. In fact we need to get out of the way and allow God to have His agenda.

There are many ‘red sea partings’ in front of us if we continue to follow with obedience and faith. ‘He will make a way where there seems to be no way’.



God is calling His body to be set apart from the world. He is calling us to consecration and repentance from world alliances. ”Be seperate from them and touch no unclean thing.” This call to Holiness is part of the great global reset.

This has been a season of Holy disruption, and God is making a way where there seems to be no way. He is making crooked paths straight and making roads smooth. God is moving outside the realms of our thinking.

This Holy disruption will lead to a greater faith, deeper clarity, and deeper resolve, if we have discernment and understanding. 

There is a divine urgency to be Holy – not to be afraid, but to walk in holiness. Tears of repentance and coming before a Holy God will water the seeds of harvest and “all shall see the salvation of the Lord.” God is bringing His refining fire to bring holiness, and we need to value and revere the altar and Godly encounters. This atmosphere of repentance ,and holiness will produce an awareness of the Holiness of God, which will bring revelation of the fear of the Lord, and a complete surrender to the call and assignment of God, and in this atmosphere there will be the fruit of signs, wonders, miracles and harvest.

The plague prepared the world for a desperation for revival, for an outpouring. Hunger will be the key to God unlocking and revealing His mysteries. Hunger will cause a tidal wave of miracles. God promises to fill all those who hunger – “Blessed are those that hunger and thirst for a right relationship with God, they will be filled.”


God’s glory will be manifested in ways we have never experienced before. It is His time for His Glory to be revealed! His Glory will be on display. This Glory is not a thing, it’s His spirit – the beauty of His Spirit, the beauty of His presence, the beauty of His Spirit in you, in the room, in a person!

Jesus said, “The time has come to die …so that my glory will be revealed“ before He went to the cross. It’s time for us to die to self, to surrender all, so that His Glory will be revealed in each of us.

As we experience an outpouring of His Spirit there will arise a cry from God’s people as we desire to “behold Him in all His Glory.“ As we cry out “Show us Your Glory” God is ready and willing to respond to a people who have set their gaze on His face.

Demonstrations of Power

Ordinary Christians will do extraordinary things, and power demonstrations will go beyond the normal church service. There will be cries from people for God to “do it again”, like revivals in the past. Powerful encounters with God will cause people to break off their human limitations, recalibrate their lives, and fully submit to God’s assignment to transform culture and disciple nations.

Tension, Territory and Courageous Wisdom

I see a tightrope image – God is going to give us the ability to walk over dangerous situations because He will be the balance pole. He will give us the wisdom to “weigh a thing”, and lean into His Spirit.

There is wisdom to navigate the battlefield. I see an image of a Tug of War – He will give us supernatural power to not loose our footing. We are to stay grounded!

We are also mandated to take back territory in this season, and repent of being held back! We need to take ground and push forward.

In 2023 we are being re-fired, refuelled to take ground, and we will gain new territory and break through strongholds of the enemy. We will have the ability to walk through landmines, and in the midst of the danger we will find treasure. Even in a season of lack, God will provide and bless. Psalm 23 is a reminder of God’s lavish protection, peace, and goodness that follows, even chases, after us.

The tensions of the season - Now and future; local and Kingdom: pastoral and prophetic: God is good and God is Holy etc will cause the church to mature. This is a divine tension and we will be blessed by unusual outpourings. We ( the church ) will be the wellspring - an established place , the food basket for the nation.

Intentional Gathering of Like Minded Kingdom Leaders

God is raising up teams who will work together on a covenantal level. Some are saying that these teams will have a “cluster anointing“, as given in Isa 65:8, which says, “new wine is found in the cluster”. These will be relational groupings, rather than denominational ones, and they will shake off the old and bring in the new wine. They will be deep, authentic and strong, and will create an environment for Great and Marvellous deeds. These will be containers of relationships, or companies of people, hubs of revival, and will provide “nets for harvest”, and revival will be a result. Apostolic anointing and culture will develop and be strengthened, and with this the fruit of the apostolic, including signs and wonders, miracles, unity etc, will increase.



Colleen and her husband Bernhard have been ministering together for over 40 years and are passionate about  building Apostolic Kingdom culture. They have been the senior leaders of Every Nation, Christchurch, NZ for 20 years.

Colleen is passionate about building strong healthy prophetic cultures, and raising up worshippers with a heart for healing – both physical and spiritual. She loves to see people released in their callings and see them discover their God potential and purpose, becoming people who will stir the fire of revival in NZ and the nations. Their ministry websites are and 

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