by Benji Alexander
January 2021
On 31st of December 2020 I had a prophetic encounter. On January 3rd 2021 I received the meaning...
A storm is coming…it’s being allowed by God to make us, not to break us… but it’s not a pretend storm, and we have to be intentional to position ourselves to be more victorious than ever before!
I submit this to you for your prayerful consideration…
In 2019 I received a similar prophetic warning from the Lord that at the time made no sense, but the warning became an ark that turned the Global storms of 2020 into a season of unprecedented blessing and favour for our family. I believe that this Urgent word will position people to thrive in the midst of what is at hand.
The context began on the afternoon of Saturday the 5th of December. I was in my office when all of a sudden God told me to write a book and to begin immediately. I began writing instantly.
Huge credit and gratitude to my wife and kids who created space for me to respond to this call urgently. With the Call to write came a Grace from God to write like I’ve never experienced before. I would describe what happened as a portal opened up around me and from that portal flowed revelation, creativity, anointing to write and an abundance of supernatural grace and energy. Apart from church on the Sunday I spent the next 5 days writing non-stop, up to 20 hours a day. I took a couple of naps but was able to start at 4am and work till midnight. The entire time the grace to write flowed like a river and I felt a tangible open Heaven atmosphere all around me.
By Thursday morning on the 10th of December the first draft of the book of over 35,000 words “The Science of Dreams!” had been completed and edited. At the time I did not realise the significance of what was happening and what was being birthed from Heaven…
On the 31st of December, while in prayer, I had a prophetic encounter. In this encounter a Royal Body Guard of 5 angels (5 is the number for Grace/divine empowerment) were assigned to me and stood around me like the points of a 5 point star. The peculiar thing about these 5 angels is that they were not facing outward. Their eyes were all on me and their assignment was not to protect me from external threats – they were there to save me from myself. They gazed intensely at me scrutinizing how I was stewarding absolutely everything God had given me to steward – my thoughts, my attitude, my time management. Most significantly their role was to keep me accountable to the greatness and the limitless potential that God had placed in me before the foundation of the world.
They had an eternal focus and they were viewing everything I did through the lens of eternity and they brought with them a strong conscious awareness that at some point I would stand before God to give account for my every action or lack of action. They were strict, but they had the most glorious, mind blowing and wonderful expectations for me, and they were assigned to me to ensure that I did not step to the left or the right but walked precisely in the fullness of what God has for me, which is an unprecedented measure of faith, wisdom, boldness, victory, destiny, greatness and legacy!
I didn’t fully understand the meaning until the 3rd of January when God revealed the Storm that is about to hit, and His intentions for the Body of Christ in 2021!
The function of the 5 Angels was to empower me to walk in the 5 main points in the Book that I just wrote – EXTREME OWNERSHIP, DREAMING WITH GOD, FAITH, WISDOM and BOLDNESS.
This prophetic encounter was not just for me. God wants to release an impartation of these 5 points over the whole Body of Christ:
The desire of God is not for us to survive the Storm, but to rule over it!
Here’s what God revealed to me regarding the coming storm and the Agenda of Heaven in the midst of everything that is about to happen:
God wants to awaken the Sleeping Giant Slayer – the Church!
But more specifically, the Sleeping Giant Slayer within each of us. This is not just about people with big existing ministries; God wants to awaken the Christian masses to their Greatness and awaken a movement of millions of Giant Slayers! The way that God is going to awaken the Giant Slayers within us is by exposing Giants that need to be slain. There is going to be a great exposing of Giants of Darkness and the necessity for each of us to be slaying these Giants is going to place a demand on the Sleeping Giant Slayers within to Arise like never before! The primary Giants that we will be called to deal with in 2021 will be internal Giants. As we deal with internal Giants we will be prepared to take on external Giants.
“The desire of God is not for us to survive the Storm, but to rule over it!”
4 Internal Giants are about to be Exposed
…and it might not be pretty!
If we haven’t dealt with these 4 Giants yet then we can expect that when they are exposed they will unleash a storm.
That storm is being allowed by God to Make us, not to Break us! His plan is to empower us to rule over the storms and to put an end to these Giants in our lives:
The Giant of Lack
The Giant of Unbelief
The Giant of Distraction
The Giant of Apathy
The starting point of this journey for us is going to be taking Extreme Ownership for the Greatness of the call of God on our lives.
As there was in 2020, there are going to be Major Headlines in 2021 that will cause Christians great alarm, but God wants our focus to be fixed on “What we can control” not on “What we can’t Control”.
This does not mean that we shouldn’t pray for Global events. It means that God has a Globally Significant Cause for each of us and we must not take our eyes off our personal calling – even for a moment.
As Millions of Christians conquer Internal Giants in 2021 it will cause great external Giants to fall also! God is calling us to Account right now for the Greatness that He has placed within. A new standard is rising. He is awakening the seeds of Greatness that He placed in us. The Sleeping Giant Slayers within us are about to Rise! We will be Victorious over the Storm, but we have to prepare seriously, spiritually, practically and systematically for what is at hand!
Countless Christians around the world will arise victoriously over the storms of Lack, Unbelief, Distraction and Apathy – as a Generation of Giant Slayers – and Giants will begin to fall!
“God wants our focus to be fixed on ‘What we can control’ not on ‘What we can’t Control’”
This Urgent Prophetic message has caused me to change my immediate plans in order to help people prepare for unprecedented Victory in the coming storm.
2021 is going to be an intense year, so I’m about to do something to help right away!!!
As I said, I am fully persuaded that the book I wrote in 5 Days, “The Science of Dreams!” carries an urgent rhema word for our generation that has the capacity to help us all pick up the Giant Slaying Mantle that we are being called to wear.
I’d like to give you free Audio and E-Book Copies of “The Science of Dreams!”, which you can grab for free immediately here:
God’s aim is that 2021 will be a year of Giant Slayers rising, Giants falling, storms being conquered and Greatness being discovered in ways beyond our imagination!
Shalom to you my friend. May 2021 be a year of unprecedented Victory!
P.S. feel free to share this information with those you know will love to hear it.
Having spent over a decade pastoring and leading a Ministry Training School, Benji Alexander is now leading a company called Raising Royalty, which is a Fusion of Discipleship, Mission and Kingdom Business focused on raising up a Movement of Kingdom Royalty Discipling Nations through Fulfilled dreams. An author and speaker, Benji's passion is to serve people in the process of stepping into their Wildest Dreams.