


This was a question we asked that day at the Prophets Hui in Auckland in November 2012.

We asked it because – if the church in our nation (New Zealand) does not know their identity and call then we will wander aimlessly, and every man will follow his own personal vision and desires. While it is not wrong to have personal and church visions, we need to know how our vision fits in with the Lord’s desire for us as a nation. We are all, individually and as churches, a part of a bigger whole and just as the Lord has plans for each person and church, He also has a plan and destiny for us as a nation. For too long we’ve not been aware of, or functioned from, that fact and so have been a fragmented body of individualists who don’t know how to work together. It is time for that to end, and for us to recognize the strengths in each other and learn how we can function together, while still keeping our individual personalities as churches.

So what is the collective call on the church of New Zealand? In some ways it is many stranded, but one of the significant parts of it is...

Our nation is a forerunner nation – we are called to walk in strong apostolic & prophetic mantles.  We are known worldwide as ones who carry a very strong prophetic mantle and are also an apostolic release nation, a nation of sent ones – of evangelists & missionaries that plant, build and disciple nations.  As such we are a people destined to move in signs, wonders and miracles, with a strong healing emphasis, to proclaim and release the reality of Heaven into Earth.

We are a proclaiming people – releasing the heart of God through prophetic proclamation that calls into being that which is not yet reality in the earthly realm,  again – releasing Heaven into Earth. This is done mainly through teaching, prophetic release, music and media and evangelism.

We are a nation called to release hope into the nation and into the nations - to call them into their destiny and fullest expression. That is why hope has been under attack in our nation – to stop us from being who we were created to be. If hope can be stifled then we will not walk in our apostolic and prophetic destiny and because of that others will miss out.

We are a nation called to model family – a real understanding of what family is – That's part of what the Maori people carry – whanau-nga-tanga – divine family, divine love! That's part of why family is under such attack here.

We are a nation called to walk in love and humility – honouring one another. Cheering others on, believing the best for them. Tall Poppy syndrome has no place here!