


by Sarah Chamberlin

Thank you to all who came and contributed; the unity in the Spirit was just amazing and the Presence and Glory of the Lord was tangible.   We look forward to more of these gatherings in the future as relationships grow, understanding and hearing from the Lord increases, releasing an even greater sound to the nations.

There was input from everyone that came and  these words seem to summarize what we believe the Lord was saying at this time.   Some had dreams and pictures that confirmed these words.

In brief summary, with detailed words below, there was a resounding sound of rising, shaking off the things that have hindered and not allowing them to come anymore.  To rise in the authority that God’s already given us, and to take our nation for His glory.  To stand, taking our position in the army and rising together in unity and love.

1. “Look up for the day is here.  The temperature is rising.  My will and My purposes will be performed and not thwarted.  No more delay!  I Am coming like a mighty man, like a warrior – unstoppable – and My love will penetrate even the darkest corners, and the captives will see a great light, My light, and will be set free.

For great is the day of My salvation, of My coming.

Yes I Am here, yes I Am moving already but this is NOTHING like what is coming upon the earth, upon your nation.  There will be no denying that I – the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; the God of Israel – am alive and active.  I Am coming like a flood.  I Am coming like a forest fire, I Am coming.

The time for complacency has passed.  The time for licking your wounds has passed.  Rise up and stand tall, and see the salvation of your God.  As you move forward you will shake off all the weights and the dust – the things you have allowed to settle on your soul.  Today wallow no more!  The past has gone – it is a new day!

Rise and be healed in My Name.  No more excuses, no more wading in the mud.  Shake yourself off for you are MIGHTY “IN ME”, MIGHTY IN ME.

I have chosen you to display My glory.  Go, shine, radiate My love, display My goodness.

You are the “called out” ones.  What makes you different from any other voice in the market place?  (And there are many!)  My love, My purity, My wisdom, My power.

Shake off all that would hold you back till now.  Manifest My love.  My presence goes with you.  My presence lives within you – that’s what sets you apart.  FORGIVE, RISE UP & MOVE FORWARD for My army is waiting for someone to follow.  My army is looking for a leader.  My army is waiting to assemble in rank and file; and walk in UNITY.  Why are My leaders not visible?

It is time to arise.  It is time to turn this nation on its head.  It’s time for the tail to stop wagging the dog.  ARISE My loved ones, arise!  I Am with you and I Am for you.  Purify yourselves and prepare to march forward – one people, one nation under heaven.

I will not strive with man forever.  TODAY IS YOUR DAY!!

Arise in humility, in My strength, in My Spirit’s power, in My love, ARISE.  And I shall lead you clearly as you listen to My voice.  ARISE.”


2. “I dreamt I was in a place of light.  I came rushing in and was wearing armour that was all beaten up.  I think I was carrying my helmet.  Then I looked ahead of me, as far as the eye could see, going over hills and down into valleys – just going on and on.  I knew it was going on and on around the earth.  It was like a highway, and on either side of it were warriors in battle dress.  I shot into rank on the right and I stood there.  Just as I was standing there, the Lord came on a white horse.  I felt like He was literally at the shoulder of those beside me.  And He had an army behind Him (people or angels, I don’t know) but I was aware that He was leading the way and He’s coming, and He’s right here.  He’s ready, He’s ready to come.”


3. “Many of you who have been hidden will be used mightily in this end-time harvest.  You may have been considered under-dogs but now you are to step forward and take your rightful place in My Kingdom.  I Am calling you, those who have been mocked, scorned, shunned and hurt. Now is the time for those who have been [despised] and rejected.  Take your seat in that which I have ordained for you.  It is time for you to set others free.  I have prepared you and taught you spiritual reality.  I have equipped and empowered you for this season.  Now is the time.  Take back what the enemy has stolen from you.  Possess the land – I have called you to take authority over this land and not fall prey to the enemy’s strategies.  Do not fear, this is your rightful place as a believer.  Do not think that you need a pulpit, a podium or [platform] to reach the multitudes.  You will become My voice – not by might, not by power, and not in your own strength.  I will sit you in your rightful place.”


4. While we were worshipping,  the bow of a massive ocean liner was seen arriving in the room.  It was humungous.  Not a vessel we were all to jump on, but rather it was what God was bringing to the Waikato.  It had a big bulbous bow which was creating a pressure wave, which in turn helps the boat to go through the water.  And the waves were seen not just breaking open and stopping but rolling over and over outward, and we believe that it was the glory of God.

There was a sense that God is about to move in unprecedented ways – rolling, gaining momentum…

Once again, thank you to all who came and we look forward to what the Lord has in store for us as a region and as a nation.



Sarah, together with her husband Jim, has been in full-time ministry since 1999.

Originally farmers from the King country, God called them (along with their daughter, Kate) to Bible College, and then to China working among Tibetan Nomads.  In 2008, the Lord called them back to NZ and gave them a new vision of coming and going into different places and nations, releasing the anointing and power of God.  

Glory Release Ministries, based in Hamilton, was set up for equipping the Body, missionaries, churches, pastors and leaders to move in the power of God.  They have ministered not only in NZ and China, but also in Fiji, Tonga, Myanmar, South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Kenya and Portugal.

They have a heart for true unity in the Body of Christ and hunger to see revival transformation glory come in fullness in New Zealand and the nations of the world.  

Sarah and Jim currently also pastor Glory Release Church, and are believing to see God break out in unprecedented ways in the nations.  Sarah moves in an apostolic/prophetic anointing that will challenge and grow your faith.

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