


by Lyn Packer

This week I was privileged to be a part of a Prophetic Round Table meeting hosted by Janet and Wes Chambers, pastors of Living Waters Christian Centre in Christchurch, and Stacey Campbell from Canada. Stacey is looked upon by many prophetic councils worldwide as a senior prophetess and a mother in the prophetic.

Over the next few weeks we will be uploading onto the website all the prophetic words presented by the prophets who attended, but I wanted to give you a summary of what was shared so that you’d know what to look forward to when we get the words published. It will also so enable you to begin to pray into the establishing of these things.

The prophets and apostolic oversight who attended were Stacey Campbell, Janet and Wes Chambers, David and Greta Peters, Nina James, Jill Smith, Brent Douglas, Lynley Allan, Nathan Shaw, Heather Gullery, Nawa Cooper, Lyn Packer and a couple of Stacey’s guests from Melbourne. There were also others invited who unfortunately could not be there because of other commitments.

As each person shared what the Lord has been speaking to them about our nation and its place in the world some very definite things emerged time and time again. This is my summary of those things...

  • Many shared about the fire of God being released upon our nation. Each saw different pictures, but all basically said New Zealand was called to be a nation of fire starters, a nation of beacon fires that communicated, sounding the alarm as well as making fires that would warm and comfort people.
  • It was felt that the world had shifted into a new era of acceleration, both in the natural and in the secular world, as well as in the church. Technology and trends would no longer be able to be predicted by analysts as the change would be too rapid, and instead they would look for clear directive words to the prophets and the clairvoyants. The church would need to step up to occupy their place otherwise the kingdom of darkness would step in and occupy.
  • We are in a time when the prophets need to step up into their assigned governmental authority, both as individuals and corporately, and decree shifts and establish the reality of those shifts. We are called to proclaim and then to occupy what we proclaim. A picture was shared of the church shifting from the second half of the Lord’s prayer (concentrating on our needs being met) to the first half of the Lord's prayer (concentrating on the desires of the heart of God for His Kingdom to be established in the earth).
  • The emergence of Maori apostles, prophets and seers was talked about by several and the need to allow them to do so without dictating what that expression had to look like.
  • The need for apostles and prophets to work together was raised by several. There is a defining of their roles taking place at the moment and we must be careful to not allow a spirit of competition to have any place in what is coming forth. As we build together we need to realise that models control outcomes, so we must be careful what we model.
  • There is a sound and a fire to come into, and flow out of, New Zealand that would have a power like the day of Pentecost.
  • There is a need for the prophets of the nation to meet together and release a corporate sound, as well as their individual ones, and also for prophetic companies to be established that would provide a platform for hearing each other, releasing what God is saying, and to see training take place for prophets that would bring them into a place of maturity.
  • There will be a raising up of marketplace apostles and prophets that bring economic shifts and governmental changes.
  • Several shared about strategic nation alliances and connections - NZ and Australia, NZ and USA, NZ and Israel were some of those shared.
  • Several shared about foundations being reset, stripping away of false identities, structures and wrong supports; things being shaken, stripped and rebuilt. This was felt to apply to individual lives, churches and governmental structures.
  • New Zealand would again be a great mission sending nation – this came from several attending.
  • Stacey Campbell then shared that we were in an apostolic prophetic window where we must take hold of the opportunities God is putting in front of us, otherwise we will miss the season and another generation will go by. She said something which resonated with us all - “The opportunity of a lifetime must be seized within the lifetime of the opportunity.” It is time for the prophets of New Zealand to step up and into their place.



Lyn is recognised as a Prophet within New Zealand and other nations she’s ministered in. Her ministry is revelatory and catalytic, propelling people into encounter with God. The governmental prophetic gift she carries is expressed through prophetic, revelatory insight and strategy, prophetic words (personal, corporate and national), teaching, art, and writing. Click here for more info...

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