


by Hailey Meek

Scripture tells us in 1 Timothy 2:1-2 that we should pray for those in our nation who are in authority. “I urge then that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people - for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness."

Today the Lord said to me, "New Zealand is in a critical time. You must pray for your government and for your nation like never before." He then went on to say this - “I am calling your nation to be my own. Pray for your leaders and for your future leaders to be. For I am about to lift up your nation like never seen before. I am about to come in a powerful way. The battle in the heavenlies is at an all time high. Pray, pray, pray, My children."

As He spoke I felt such a need within my spirit to intercede for our nation. As I started to pray He said, "Pray also for the harvest. Ask Me to show you the harvest. Allow Me to show you the harvest. I am lifting you to a whole new level, New Zealand, but you must pray! You must pray! Take your nation with two hands and storm forward in prayer. The harvest is coming like a crash of an almighty wave. It is coming!!"



Hailey Meek is a visionary leader, being trained up by the Lord in the market place. From a young age she began raising up two children and at one stage took on management of a children's Playcentre. She began her study as an early childhood teacher but was then pulled out of this study by the Lord so that she could do Bible in Schools. The Lord provided her a local job with a child care centre and she is currently managing staff there and caring for children while helping the organisation through a difficult transitional period. 

She is prophetic, hearing clearly from the Lord, and ministers prophetic words to her friends and family. The Lord has been working deeply in her. She has recently married and has taken on co-leadership in a life group at Arise Church, Wellington. Hailey also runs a charity called 'Coats of Kindness' which provides essential clothing for children in low decile areas.


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