


by Nina James

This prophetic word was given by Nina James at a Prophets Hui in Auckland in November 2012.

I saw in the skies, a wind and on the wind, the people of God. They were sitting back on the wind which was almost like a cloud carrying them. I could see angels underneath these pockets of wind, who had been assigned to carry the wind. The Lord said to me, “The wind is my Spirit.” I could see some of His people wrestling, but others were lying back, just being carried by the wind. Their arms and legs were limp because they trusted the wind. They trusted the blowing of the Lord on the wind to be able to carry them into the places He was wanting them to go. I could see the ones who were wrestling, the ones that hadn’t fully laid their lives down for the purposes of the King, because they were still struggling to do the things of their own choosing.

But it was the ones who were limp and were able to trust God and relax on that wind that the Lord would be able to come and breathe on. As He breathed into that wind, as He breathed onto that cloud-like thing, the people were carried into the places throughout New Zealand that He wanted them to be. They stepped out of that wind into the spheres of influence that the Lord had for them. They stepped onto the ground and gold emanated from them. The presence of God was carried out of them. Everywhere they went, they transformed the place because of the presence that came out of them. The key thing the Lord said to me was, “Many wrestle on that cloud; many wrestle in that wind because they haven’t fully got themselves to a place where they trust me flowing through them and blowing them into those places.”

I could see some of those people wrestled because they thought, “God I thought you wanted me to go this way, I thought you wanted me to do that, I thought you wanted to send me here, I thought that you were going to call me there,” and because of the wrestling God was unable to take them exactly where He wanted. It was the difference between fully laying down their lives and trusting God, to half-pie doing it.

"God I pray for your sons and your daughters in this nation, that they would fully lie down on the cloud, that they would trust You even if they heard You call them one way, one moment and then if You brought about a change in the next week, that they would be open to hear and to flow with You. God,  that if You’ve sent them somewhere one moment, but then changed and sent them another place another moment, that they would be free to follow Your Spirit, free to hear Your voice and to fly and to flow wherever You want them to go."



Nina was born and raised in Nelson, New Zealand. Nina, and her husband David, are the founders of Atelier Ministries, a marketplace ministry with a focus to raise, strengthen, and empower Christians in the arts, business, and cultural influence.

Nina serves in both church and marketplace arenas as a prophet and clear communicator. With a significant testimony of the healing and restorative power of Jesus, Nina’s heart is to see God’s people find their place and know their purpose in His Kingdom, to be strengthened to negotiate the challenges of life, and reach a security and maturity to honour God and one another.

Nina and David have been married for 27 years and they have three adult daughters. As a successful business woman Nina runs an award winning real estate business through Bayleys Nelson.