


by Lyn Packer


We are on the verge of something exciting and I believe huge for our nation. For the last couple of years I have felt a building in the Spirit in regards to prophetic ministry within our nation, and I believe we are now starting to see the manifestation of what has been building.

So I come into agreement with what the Lord is doing and declare that a release of the prophetic gift, of epic proportions, is upon us as a nation. I declare that the prophetic voices of this nation are arising and being established in the earth, and that from the ends of the earth the nations will hear a cry “Prepare ye the way of the Lord!” The Lord’s voice, like the sound of many waters (Ezekiel 43:2) and a hammer that breaks the rock (Jeremiah 23:29), will go forth, displacing powers, tearing down their works, and then building up individuals families and communities, establishing the Kingdom of heaven in their place (Jeremiah 1:10). New Zealand it is time to rise up and speak the word of the Lord!

As we’ve travelled and ministered through the nation this year I’ve seen a hunger for understanding and moving in the prophetic gift that I haven’t seen for many years. Not since the 1980’s have I seen this amount of people wanting to learn and minister in the prophetic gift. God is doing something and we perceive it and receive it (Isaiah 42:9; 48:6)

New Zealand has a very strong prophetic mantle as a nation and we are beginning to see the emergence of that, not only within the nation, but also internationally. Expect to hear of more and more New Zealand prophets functioning both at a local level and internationally in the next few years.

Emergence of Maori Prophets and Seers

Among those being raised up we will see many Maori prophets and seers coming to the forefront and taking their place. They will carry a mantle that is very powerful and breaks through and displaces many of the powers of darkness that have tormented our nation. These Maori prophets will not, and should not be expected to, minister in the way the European church of the nation operates, and we must give them room to grow and find their expression, both within their culture and also in ours.

Emergence of Prophetic Companies and training places

The other thing that is happening in relation to that hunger is the establishing of Prophetic Companies across the nation where training, fellowship and relational accountability are happening for prophetic people. These Prophetic Companies are not about prophets separating themselves from the Body of Christ, but are about prophetic people being trained, and honed in their gift and character, so that they serve their local church and community more effectively. Some churches simply do not have the people with the right gift mix who are able to train others in prophetic ministry, bringing them to a place of maturity, so having city wide or regional training opportunities may be a huge benefit to the church in a region.

For more information on Prophetic Companies, and what to look for in any prophetic company you are considering joining, please check out our article on that subject over in our article section of the website here.

Call to work together with the other Five-fold Ministries

Another thing arising amongst this prophetic surge is the call for the five-fold ministries to work together. That working together, especially of apostles and prophets to give foundational understanding and strategic insight into what the Lord is doing, will have a profound effect on the church. It will bring an equipping and maturing of the church in our nation by all the five-fold that will be absolutely revolutionary (1 Cor 12:28; Ephesians 2:20; Ephesians 4:11).

The prophetic gift is there for all the church to function in and Scripture encourages us many times to do so, (Acts 2:17,18; 1Corinthians 14:1,5,39). Can I encourage you, this is something very much on God’s heart for our nation. Ask Him what part you are called to play in this, and where you are called to use the gift of prophecy, then get yourself some training and begin to step out and be a blessing to those around you. Our nation and the world need to hear God’s glorious plans and strategies for the things they are facing, and you have a part to play in revealing those to them. 



Lyn is recognised as a Prophet within New Zealand and other nations she’s ministered in. Her ministry is revelatory and catalytic, propelling people into encounter with God. The governmental prophetic gift she carries is expressed through prophetic, revelatory insight and strategy, prophetic words (personal, corporate and national), teaching, art, and writing. Click here for more info...

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