


by Lyn Packer

I love praying into a new year and asking the Lord what He has in store for us in it. It’s something I do each year, and out of that the Lord and I develop vision and strategies to move into what He has. Those words become an anchor and a compass to me, enabling me to chart my way through the ebbs, flows and circumstances that life brings.

Many times what I sense the Lord saying or doing is a continuation of things we’ve talked about beforehand and some things may also be new. Our Christian walk is often like that – an unfolding revelation of God’s plans and purposes, built on top of what has gone before, establishing those things further, yet reaching out and taking new territory at the same time.

These are the things the Lord and I have talked about, and the prophetic insights that He has given me into this year.

We are in a season of acceleration

...acceleration in learning, training and maturity, acceleration in seeing the results of our work, and acceleration in the changes that are taking place in society. Darkness is spreading at an accelerated pace, but so is the releasing of the Kingdom of Heaven – healings, salvations, miracles are all increasing. The release of new innovations and inventions is accelerating and increasing. We are heading rapidly toward a time when trend forecasters will not be able to keep ahead in predicting the new things that are coming. Businesses and governments will turn to the prophets in the church for that, and we must be ready for it. The only way to be ready is to make sure that we are spending time listening to the Lord.

The reformation of church and society

We are in a continued, unfolding reformation, both in the church and in society in general. While some areas of darkness appear to be gaining ground, they will not prevail in the end. The impact of the reforms that are taking place are gathering momentum and change is happening. So many changes are happening in so many areas that it would take a book to record them all. Take time, look around at the epic changes happening; ask God to show you what your part is in those, and step out and follow Him into that.

The Five-fold working together

I’ve spoken about this previously, but we will continue to see an understanding and emerging of the five-fold ministries and their place of function in the church. They will begin to work together with a new degree of co-operation, and competing against one another for the church’s favour will become a thing of the past. Each will understand their position and their placement and will operate in that for the benefit of the church and the societies they are set in. They will work to see the church brought to a place of maturity, training them for the works of ministry God has called them to. In doing so they will see the church built up, functioning properly, and being the blessing it is meant to be to the societies we are planted in. Apostles and prophets will build stronger relationships with each other and there will be a mutual recognition and honouring of the place each one holds. Apostles and prophets will work together to give vision and strategy to the church. Teachers will then provide understanding of how the pieces fit into God's scheme of things. Pastors will provide safe places of growth and expression, and evangelists will spread the news. We will see a widening of what it means to be an evangelist – from someone who just shares the gospel of salvation to someone who shares the gospel of the Kingdom; salvation being the entry point into all the good things God has for us. There will be grace given to the five-fold to establish and build infrastructures to house massive growth.

Prophetic expansion

There is an expansion happening in the prophetic arena. There is, and will continue to be, a rising interest in moving in the prophetic gift. People will no longer see it as the domain of a few gifted people, but as being open to anyone to use. They’ll use the gift in their workplaces and on the streets, as well as in their churches. Different expressions and ways of presenting prophetic words will emerge; people will use the internet and places like Facebook as a place of ministry. I see many new prophetic ministers and prophets being trained up and released into their spheres of operation in order to influence society and share the gospel in creative ways. New prophetic language will emerge in order for mankind to understand what the prophets mean by what they say. Church, or religious, language will get dropped and prophets will speak plain language, even when revealing mysteries. Expect to see many training schools and companies of prophets being established. These places will provide foundational teachings, a place to develop their gift, and will provide a place of safety to both prophets and those they minister to.  Some of these training places and companies will be part of local churches, and some will be not connected to any one local church, but will exist for city or state-wide training purposes.

New opportunities and new platforms

There are many new doors of opportunity and new platforms of expression being opened and established. You’ll find yourself drawn to certain areas for a reason, and that reason will be because you are meant to step into that arena. Most of those platforms of expression will be established outside the church and will use the internet, movies, tech advances, business ideas, the arts, music, and more. There will be an explosion onto the scene of online mentors and training, and new Kingdom consultants will unleash ideas, strategies and wisdom that will impact every sphere of society. People like Daniel of old will rise to positions of prominence and be listened to by those in positions of authority. These Daniels will have proved themselves in integrity, honour, purity and humility, as well as in the knowledge and understanding of the arenas they are assigned to by God.

Mothers and Fathers in the Faith

There is a continued call for the mothers and fathers in the faith to step into their place. These people will recognise that they are there not to lord it over others, but to help others come into what God has for their life. Mothers and fathers in the faith will be recognised and released by their churches to operate in that calling – to nurture and train people so that they come to a place of maturity and operate as mature sons and daughters of the Kingdom, shining in all their glory. Not all those mothers and fathers in the faith will be older, although many will, but they will be people who carry a servant heart, a genuine love for people, and a desire to see them grow and step into their appointed places of ministry. They will have been tested by life and ministry, and proven faithful and full of wisdom.

We are living in such exciting days, days of great expansion of the Kingdom of Heaven, while also being days of great pressure and turmoil in society. You were born to release Heaven into Earth; everything that God has done in your life so far has lead you to this time and this place. Ask Him what He would have you move into this year, what ground He would have you take, and what new initiatives you are to step into. All of Heaven and earth is waiting for you to fulfil your call, and that isn’t hype; it is fact and it is truth. Bless you as you step out in the grand adventure that this year holds for you; be led by Holy Spirit and be strengthened by His might and power!



Lyn is recognised as a Prophet within New Zealand and other nations she’s ministered in. Her ministry is revelatory and catalytic, propelling people into encounter with God. The governmental prophetic gift she carries is expressed through prophetic, revelatory insight and strategy, prophetic words (personal, corporate and national), teaching, art, and writing. Click here for more info...

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