


by Lyn Packer

We held our first Christchurch regional gathering for the NZ Prophetic Network on the 13th June. Over 80 people took time from their busy week to come together to fellowship, hear what the Lord has been saying to each other and pray for the region.  We divided the attendees into ten groups who then spent time sharing what the Lord has been showing them over the past few months about the city and region.

The following is a summation of the major things that God has been saying to his prophetic ministers in the central South Island. All these things came up multiple times as the groups reported back on their sharing time.

Intimacy – there was a feeling amongst many that God is calling us to a greater place of being intentional in our setting aside time to know Him more, of increasing our intimacy with Him.

Prayer – There is a call to prayer that is stronger than ever; prayer for our cities, prayer for those in government and leadership.

Unity – Many of the groups reported that the Lord has been speaking to them about unity amongst the churches in the region. God is wanting to bring a manifestation of the unity that we have in Him, a working together for the common good of the city. Relationships are being formed and strengthened across the city and region.

Acceleration - There is an acceleration and growth happening in many areas – healing and miracles, salvations, intergenerational understanding and working together.

Identity - God is focusing people on identity in Him and in that knowing who they are, releasing the Kingdom in unique yet powerful ways.

Innovation - Creative innovative strategies are being released from Heaven that will bring a prospering in many areas of society.

Waves of the Spirit - Many saw waves poised to break over the region in the Spirit; waves of love and power that bring harvest, waves built up in the Spirit of prayer for the harvest, waves of glory. There was a sense that these waves have been building and are poised to break over us.



Lyn is recognised as a Prophet within New Zealand and other nations she’s ministered in. Her ministry is revelatory and catalytic, propelling people into encounter with God. The governmental prophetic gift she carries is expressed through prophetic, revelatory insight and strategy, prophetic words (personal, corporate and national), teaching, art, and writing. Click here for more info...

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