by Lyn Packer

June 2021.

Recently I felt the Lord share something with me that was first of all a word for me personally, but I soon realised that it was also a word for the church.

I heard Him say that He has given us a promised land as citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. Within that is land that is personal, and also land that is communal. The land, in this case, is a symbolic picture of all that He has given us through being included in Christ – what He has promised in Scripture to us as the church globally, and also all that He has promised to each of us on a personal level.

I heard Him say, “Don’t stop! Continue to take ownership of the land I’ve given you. Continue to activate the promises I’ve given you through faith and action, following My lead and seeking My timing and wisdom. You’ve done great work over the years, both in establishing My Kingdom in your own life, and in the world around you, but now is not the time to hunker down while the world rages around you; now is the time to step up with a renewed sense of purpose and direction.

What I have for you is that you continue to build on, and then expand, the things I’ve given you that came to you in seed form, ready to be planted in your life, ready to take root and grow. Your life is in many ways still full of raw land that is waiting for you to develop and grow a good and continuing harvest on it. Don’t settle for the little you have now; develop the land you currently occupy and then expand your borders. My plan is that you take full ownership of the things I have promised you and see them fulfilled, and that you leave a good legacy, an inheritance for those who come after you.

In order to inhabit the fullness of the promises I’ve given you, and leave the inheritance I have planned for you to leave, you must first push back your internal boundaries so that you can take ground externally. Push back the internal boundaries established in your mind and heart – both your self-imposed boundaries and the boundaries others have tried to impose on you. It’s time to get rid of limiting thinking, of the internal strongholds that have been built and the thought taskmasters that have been set in place to limit and restrain you. It’s time for a renewing of your mind in some areas, so that you can become more of who I created you to be. Deal with the heart’s hurts and wounds; seek healing so those wounds don’t distract you and hold you back.

There is so much more for you to discover about yourself and of what I placed in you when I formed you. There is still much unrealised potential in you and I’m calling you to step into new aspects of that. It’s time for an expansion of thinking, a change of mind and heart that will lead to an external expansion. I have more for you to steward – more of My grace, My love, and My power, so that My Kingdom is established in more places. It’s time for new growth internally so you can steward more externally.”

God is calling us all into a place of greater responsibility and maturity so that we can shine as fully revealed mature sons and daughters of God – ones who represent Him well. That means dealing with our internal taskmasters which are the thought patterns, beliefs, biases, prejudices, perceptions and lies we’ve believed that don’t line up with who God says we are, and what He says we are capable of, and that don’t line up with the Kingdom of Heaven and the values of that Kingdom. There are exciting days ahead of us – days of glory and power being released into the world around us, and each of us has a part to play in that.



Lyn is recognised as a Prophet within New Zealand and other nations she’s ministered in. Her ministry is revelatory and catalytic, propelling people into encounter with God. The governmental prophetic gift she carries is expressed through prophetic, revelatory insight and strategy, prophetic words (personal, corporate and national), teaching, art, and writing. Click here for more info...

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