


by Colleen Doyle

Over a few weeks God has been speaking to me just two words which have huge implications.

‘IT’S TIME…..’

Now, this could mean a myriad of things, but I believe there are some specifics that He is wanting to highlight.

There are many other people hearing about this particular time in God for Him to pour out blessing, revive vision, bring promises to pass, bring prodigals home, healing and financial breakthroughs.

I believe these are all totally legitimate, but I also believe that He is wanting us to bring this down to a very personal level to equip and ready us to enter this amazing changing season of incredible spiritual happenings right here in New Zealand and in our own homes.

The time we are in right now is a ‘kairos’ time – a specific capsule of time with a beginning and a very definite ending.   Encapsulated in this Kairos time there is a special level and outpouring of grace to access for individuals.    

This grace is available to ALL and the personal application is that the Lord is wanting us to be very brave and decisive in questioning the Holy Spirit about our inner ‘stuff’ that we have managed, ignored or not even been particularly aware of.   In particular, God is inviting us to open our lives to Him in the areas of integrity, addictions, motivations, damaged or broken relationships and very core issues.

In this Kairos time there is abundant and additional grace abounding to face inner issues, repent, reconcile and walk out of a lifetime of habits and broken ethos.  

There is an urgency in my spirit that this Kairos time is not missed – remember it is a capsule with a beginning and end.   Our invitation from the throne is to come again without shame and allow the searchlight of the Holy Spirit to shine deeply and strongly where revelation of our hearts will come.

As we respond there will be a fresh freedom, readiness and expectation to be part of this amazing time in the history of New Zealand.



Colleen Doyle is director of ‘GO’ Ministries International. She is ordained under the New Life Churches of New Zealand and is an associate minister in her local church, Living Waters Christian Centre, Christchurch. Colleen has ministered extensively throughout New Zealand, the Pacific, Africa, Asia and into other nations for many years, both in teaching and the prophetic. She is passionate about seeing the Body of Christ be all it can be, and over the years she has had great joy in seeing large numbers in many nations give their lives to Jesus, be baptized in the Holy Spirit, be healed and come to a new place of commitment and passion for Jesus. 
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