by Tawhiri Littlejohn

February 2022

Tawhiri was unable to physically attend the NZ Council of Prophets meeting in February 2022 so he Zoom linked in on the day. The following is a transcript of that Zoom call.

I have a word that the Lord’s been speaking to me about.

Just backing up a little bit from what the Lord has been speaking to me about.  I shared in another meeting that we had…In 2019 I had a humongous vision of a huge storm that was rolling in. Me and my wife were both praying and the Lord started to speak to us about the storm.  We started to enquire of the Lord, “What does this thing tell?” “What is going to happen?” and He said, “Many unusual things are going to happen in Aotearoa, things that everyday Kiwis will start to ask the question, “What is going on in New Zealand?””  

And we saw different aspects to it…I won’t go into it too much, but there were things affecting the economy, things affecting people’s lives, disasters…all sorts of things. The Lord spoke clearly. He said, “Many people are declaring revival, but they don’t know the ways in which revival comes.” And He showed us this place of a well spring of hope, where all these things were happening in our nation and us as the Body of Christ were to rise up as a wellspring of hope to bring practical and spiritual solutions to those who are struggling. And right now in our current situation in our nation and the nations, the last 2 years been challenged with Covid and the ongoing challenges that we have as a church…how to minister to the Body in these times.

It’s been incredibly challenging but incredibly rewarding, and so through that the Lord said, “This is where the harvest is going to come from.” So, I want to bring just a really simple encouragement and only one word on my heart and that’s “This really is harvest time.” There is such a huge harvest happening right now.  This year I haven’t seen it so easy to win souls to Jesus…they are just coming to Jesus.

A few weeks ago, I went to baptize a few people and then ended up having people just come down to the water, weeping and crying to get baptized and get their lives right with Jesus.  So we’re just experiencing, through the challenge, through the disruption, paths of everyday Kiwis just wanting to know “what is going on” and they’re coming to us, as the Body, to get clarity and perspective.  And also, not only that, but the backslidden. They’re coming in droves; whole families are coming into the Lord, so it’s been an extremely exciting time.

A report from my time at the parliament protest

I want to give you this report…it’s a bit of a spying report.  I just got back from Parliament. I pastor at Kaiwaka Revival – it’s the gateway to the north – and the Lord sent us there (Parliament) on an assignment.  Our theme for the year is Romans 8:14, “That those who are the sons of God are led by the Spirit.” So I asked the Lord, “What do You want me to do?” and the first stage is to spy out the land.  So I went there under radar, just moving around, moving through all the environments, all the different areas and the first stage was to move through all the different areas and really just gathering intel as to what I’m feeling and what is going on down there, because I believe it’s very significant what is happening, and we as the Body of Christ are holding the keys to actually break this thing open and bring peace and bring a peaceful resolution and protection to all those on both sides of the camp – whether on the side of the protests or on the other side of everyday Kiwis.  

So we are the peacemakers. We’re the doorways of hope to bridge that gap. And so while I was down there, there’s some very interesting things.  You can pick it up prophetically outside of Parliament, but you’ve got to be on the whenua – your feet have to be there – to actually hear and actually feel the environment that was there.  And my initial response once I got there with them was a huge demonic presence…so heavy.  There was such a heavy, oppressive, demonic presence.  And there were people from the occult, spiritualists everywhere.  They’re occupying all the main areas, they’re occupying the gates, they’re on the stage, they’re releasing their words, they’re cursing people, they’re speaking in demonic tongues. This is probably what you won’t hear about. So this is all happening while we were there. The witches could see that we’re there and they were sussing us out, and for me, I’m all good, it’s like you’re there, I’m here, and there’s all this stuff going on.

And then the next day I had a huge knock on my door and it was these people standing outside my door in the hotel where I was staying. They asked me to come out and speak to them.  And I asked the Holy Spirit, “Do you want me to go speak to these people?” And I did…I went out there and I could feel their wairua (spirit) and while I’m speaking to them, they’re all chanting and talking to demons and so I just sat with them for about 10 mins, listening to their story, and it turned out that this person was the high up occult leader who had sent all of his occult people into parliament to infiltrate the whole area. So, I didn’t tell them who I was, I didn’t tell them I’m a pastor, I’m a Christian.  I just sat there and listened and tried to get out as much intel as I could, because the Lord, He’s sent me there to “spy out the land”. 

And basically, long story short, the Holy Spirit said, “I’ll give you a small window.”  So, I had a small window to speak into their lives.  It’s really interesting…David and Greta Peters taught me how to move in the Spirit years ago and I applied all those keys, so I was waiting, waiting, and we had about 10 minutes of challenging each other with spiritual giftings.  So, they were telling me what they see in the spirit and I was telling them what I see, and when I’m ministering to occult leaders or spiritual people I use Aotea Maori “I’m a person of the wairua, I’m a person of the Spirit…I move in that realm.”  So, I was able to minister to them.  And then they were asking me about what’s my perspective of what is going on.  I was able to share what is happening.  God gave me some prophetic words. I prophesied over the leader, who’s the leader of the whole thing.  He started weeping and while I’m doing that some people under him started coming out behind me, chanting and releasing demonic stuff, putting stuff all around me.  I knew exactly what they were doing.

One of them came around me and I grabbed her hand and I prophesied over her…she started weeping and then they brought out all their witchcraft objects and placed it all in front of me and they said, “Can you interpret what these mean?”  And I said “Yes, I can.”  So, I prophesied through the objects and then they asked me, “Can you please pray for us, and can you cleanse all our objects?”  So, I prayed in Te Reo, in Maori, and prayed for them and they were so touched. I didn’t see them as witches and warlocks.  I see them as God’s army, but they’re in the wrong camp, and they just need to come to the Kingdom. I just had absolute aroha and love for them, and then they hugged me and when they hugged me, they gave me all their intel.  They said at 2am on February 22, 2022, they were planning to open up the biggest portal that had ever been opened.  They were there fully on assignment to infiltrate and shut down and release the demonic strategies all over the people that were there and over our nation. 

So, the interesting thing about them, that you’ll know, is they were way more focused disciplined, they were there on assignment; they’re planting things each day, they’re laying ley lines, they’re positioning spirits at all the gates. They’d set up locational places, they’re controlling what’s coming over the mic. While the Christians on the other side singing, they’re controlling the main environment and they’re just busy, they’re constantly doing it. So I was able to connect the Aotearoa Intercessors across the nation, get them into 24 (hour) prayer and then we were able to infiltrate their plan and we had Christians on the ground praying from midnight till about 4am on that day, and we believe we were able to divert the plans of the evil one.  It could have been catastrophic, but we were on the ground, we were moving.  They liked me so much that they invited me to their big ceremony…they were like, “Come and pray in our ceremony.”  I was like “love you fellows…lot of aroha and God touched them.  But were able to infiltrate and see what we were infiltrating on that night of February 22nd. 

And we asked the Lord, “What do You want to open up?” ‘cause the Word of God says, “Lift up your heads O you gates, that the King of glory may come in.” And when we prayed we saw this huge net, this humongous net being released from the Spirit and get cast over all the people there. And so we said, “Lord, let that net come.” It had 2 meanings to it, I believe…it was one to clean up unclean spirits and the other one for massive harvest.  So, after that we were just leading people to Jesus.  It was so easy, because a lot of them are spiritual and they’re so hungry for hope, we were just there leading people to Jesus. The day we released the net over 40 came to Jesus, Hare Krishna’s came to Jesus and people are coming to Jesus, but what I want to emphasize from that harvest is John 4…when Jesus went to the woman at the well, He spoke to the undesirables…He goes to the down and out and to the outcasts.  He went to the women who had 5 husbands and the person she’s living with wasn’t her husband. So, He went to the people that society disowns, all those people there are the minority. New Zealanders think they’re idiots. A lot of Kiwi’s will think, “What the heck do they do?”  But Jesus said that it’s His broken, lost sheep that need the Shepherd and it’s Jesus.

So, these undesirables, I believe, are going to be the ones that are going to break forth with radical passion, radical zeal and advancing God’s Kingdom.  So, it was truly an amazing perspective, an amazing experience. But just a little heads up to your prayer team and your networks. You’ve got to have Christians on the ground ‘cause the warfare’s constant. In the morning the Presence of God can be hitting the place, but by the afternoon the demonic realm has shifted, because it’s just a constant backwards and forwards warfare.  We noticed that while we were down there, that the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.

It’s a pivotal time

So, I think that’s the perspective I have on that…I believe it’s a pivotal time for us as the Body to show the love of the Father and to actually release God’s love, not just by talking about it, but doing it.  Pastor Don McDonnell was there and he noticed all the people feeding people…there’s no Christians feeding people.  It’s all the Hare Krishna’s, and all the everyday people who have a heart to touch people.  So, the Christians are not really infiltrating on the practical side. We’re doing the work on the physical side, but there’s such an opportunity there to touch hearts, change lives and to show who we are and to share the love of God.

So, I’m pumped…I’m super excited.  I’m excited with what God’s doing and I feel so excited with how things are moving, how the Spirit’s moving and yes, God’s shaking us out, and that’s a good thing. Shake everything out of us that’s not of Him.  Let everything of Him remain.  And let’s advance the Kingdom  So I just feel a fresh fire and fresh zeal and a fresh passion to actually get on the front lines and see the mobilization of the Body of Christ, in mobilizing our teams and mobilizing our people to go into the harvest, to release the lost, to bring the Kingdom, to release God’s presence, and to transform and change lives and hearts, one heart at a time for Jesus’ glory.


Prayer is not just us coming to God with a list of requests. As part of our relationship with Him, it is us having a conversation with the Lord, which involves talking and listening on both sides. The following prayer points are some things you can talk to Him about in regards to this prophetic word.

  • Pray for the harvest. Pray that God would draw people to Himself and that in this time of uncertainty and crisis people would realize their need of a Saviour.

  • Pray for Christians to realize that the time we are in is a critical time of pivot for people’s lives, both in society and in the church; that things need to change, and that God is the one who holds the wisdom needed in this time.

  • Pray for harvesters, that there would be a willingness in all Christians’ lives to be available to be part of the harvest process.



Tawhiri, along with his wife Katy, are Co-Pastors of Kaiwaka Revival Church. They have a ministry that releases a fire, passion and hunger for God that encourages people to walk in deeper intimacy with Jesus. Tawhiri is passionate about seeing the lost won to Christ and destroying the works of the devil. He has seen breakthrough as the Lord restores many through his ministry.