



by Greta Peters

The Lord speaks prophetically in a number of ways, including through the Bible, dreams and visions. He also at times speaks through natural signs like numbers, movies, newspapers, natural events and so on, that confirm what He is saying. One of the many things the Lord is saying for 2018 is this: IT IS TIME FOR CHANGE. IT IS TIME FOR SHIFT. 

In a recent dream, I saw events in Daniel's time 2500 years ago and simultaneous parallels in our present time. I was seeing Daniel chapter 9 where Daniel read in the scriptures as revealed to the prophet Jeremiah, that the desolation of Jerusalem would last 70 YEARS. King Cyrus then issued a decree to rebuild and restore Jerusalem. Jerusalem and Israel are God's prophetic timepiece for the world. In 2018 we remember that 70 YEARS ago the nation of Israel was miraculously reborn. 

What does this 70 year period mean to New Zealand? Throughout history, God has always spoken through signs in the sky. A newspaper headline of 4 Dec 2017 declared, "Supermoon lights up the sky."The article stated, "The largest, brightest supermoon in 70 YEARS lit up New Zealand's skies last night." I felt the Lord say, "It is time for change in New Zealand! The time is coming when she will shine her brightest and best." 

Isaiah 9:6 says, “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”  This is who Jesus is, not only when He returns, but now. Because of this, the next verse is truth that we need to prophesy and pray into being: “Of the increase of his government there will be no end.” (v.7)

There is the unusual phenomenon of three supermoons occurring close together at present. Nasa has named it the "Supermoon trilogy". 'Tri' means three, which symbolises completeness. Numerous times recently, the Holy Spirit has highlighted the numbers 3:33, confirming the supermoon trilogy. There is much more to this sign, but for now, we will just focus on this.  With the supermoon comes a King tide. Note that the final supermoon, on 31st January, occurs the same night as the highly significant combined churches Open Heaven night of prayer for Auckland and the nation. As God's people are coming together to pray, God is turning the tide. There's a King tide coming to flood NZ. It is time for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit on His people. 


Shift is also connected to 70 YEARS. Seventy years ago, the USA and many other nations were God-fearing. However, things began to change. Author and journalist David Aikman writes, "The entire culture began to experience a shift [70 years ago] that introduced new gatekeepers and new worldviews in Hollywood, academia, and the media." In other words, our western culture had started to shift far from God. It is time for another shift! God is going after these spheres of influence. 

In a further vision, Jesus said to me, "I am imparting governmental mantles to shift and transform cities and nations to release heaven's purposes on the earth." That is why there is MASSIVE POSITIONING going on right now. The Lord is mobilising and strategically moving His sons and daughters into influential positions in the world like a giant chessboard. He says, "Mobilise! Go!" 

With the second supermoon and king tide on 2nd January, there was also a powerful storm surge with wild winds and heavy rain. Like the storm surge, a POWERSURGE of the Spirit is coming. Jesus is about to release a new roar of power to His people like on Pentecost Day (Acts 2:2-4), and it will be suddenly. We are entering a season of many suddenlies in the earth. 

With the powersurge will come more fire. God is taking the fire to another level to empower us for His purposes. Recently the Lord gave me two dreams about fire. In one dream, I saw writing on a scroll in heaven. One of the points on the scroll was on tongues of fire and included Acts 2:2-4: "Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm and it filled the whole house. They saw... tongues of fire that... came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit." 

In the second dream: I saw tongues of fire falling on God's people in many places on the earth. Jesus said, "I'm about to release fire across the earth upon everyone who wants it. I am looking for those who want to be my burning ones." Regarding New Zealand I heard Him say, "I will raise up an army of burning ones as my fire falls." Heaven is putting this cry in the hearts of God's people everywhere: Spirit come! Fire fall! 

As we cry for this, He will do it.




David Peters has long been recognised as a Prophet, both within New Zealand and internationally. He and his wife Greta are the founders of SpiritLife Ministries and are currently based at Church Unlimited, a large, multicultural church in Auckland. They travel extensively both within New Zealand and overseas, inspiring people to have unwavering hope despite life’s circumstances and equipping them to operate in the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit in daily life. For more info...

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