


by Josh Klinkenberg

As I was praying the other night I felt the Lord begin to speak. He began to show me that this last year there has been an unprecedented attack launched on CREATIVES. It has hit their marriages, their finances, their health, but mostly it has been a war waged on their THOUGHT LIFE. This attack has been an attempt to rob them of the very tool they have to bring breakthrough and freedom - their CREATIVITY.

This attack has been one of anxiety, worry, and a sense of being overwhelmed to the point where you can not see a way out. The creative gift that would normally be able to see multiple options in any situation has been under attack as the enemy has tried to shut down the heavenly weapon of creativity in the hearts and minds of the worshipping creatives.

In most cases this attack has been bigger than any one individual and the enemy has done his best to isolate and separate the creatives so they feel alone. But even though this might be too big for any one person to withstand, it is not bigger than the FAMILY of CREATIVES. The Lord then began to show me that He is bringing together the family of worshippers to stand in a strength and authority that hasn’t been seen or experienced in this way before.

He is pouring Himself out into the MIDST of the family of worshipping creatives to enable us to step into the fullness of who He has called us to be as leaders of worship through the ARTS. As we come together as a family He is going to bring us into such a profound level of authority that even the most vicious, and most severe, attack of the enemy will amount to nothing more than a fly trying to knock down a brick wall.

As we begin to step into this WHANAU (family) anointing we will see atmospheres shaken as they shift into alignment with heaven to such a degree that their will be geographic locations where His presence so inhabits the praise of His people that there is not one trace of debt, brokenness, or sickness. Anxiety and depression will begin to be destroyed in SECONDS as peace and promise permeate the atmosphere like a sweet scent that is carried on a gentle breeze. Addictions that have held people in bondage for decades, even generations, will be INSTANTLY broken and fall away as people simply hear the sound of our song, as we join together as FAMILY.

The sound of peace and freedom released through songs, paintings and dance will have such a tangible affect on GEOGRAPHIC locations that I saw influential business owners, as well as local and national governments, inviting these worshipping creatives to come and release what they carry. Major influences will begin to open doors for the sound of peace to be released as this family of worshiping creatives comes together.

I saw a REPUTATION begin to spread about these worshipping creatives. It was not a reputation of sadness, or laziness, or ineffectiveness. It was a reputation of POWER and WISDOM. They were known as a people with incredible insight into the condition of society and the heart-needs that people were living with. They were known as a people who knew how to shift and shape atmospheres over homes, neighbourhoods, and even ENITRE CITIES. They were known as loving, fun, and incredibly EFFECTIVE.

I saw a single painting TRANSFORM entire neighbourhoods. One dance setting entire cities FREE from the destruction of the enemy and giving people HOPE. Songs were carrying people out of poverty and COMPLETELY changing their story.

I heard the Lord say that freedom will be released with intention and with phenomenal POTENCY as we begin to run together, side by side, arms linked, and voices RAISED. The worshipping family will not run from the night but will instead run into it, bringing with them the SONG of LIGHT, and a dance that BREAKS CHAINS. They will paint a NEW vision of the morning, filled with hope and HAPPINESS. They will plunder the darkness, stealing back the lives that were, until now, thought to be lost to the shadows. They will leave no place UNLIT as they illuminate the night with life and LOVE. They will reignite a passion within the body for the SECRET place of prayer and worship. And because of this awakening to the secret place, the body will step up into places she has not yet been and will INHABIT territory she has not yet taken possession of.

This family of worshipping creatives is going to change the face of Christianity as we reawaken the giant that is the worshipping Bride of Christ!

It's time for us to start running together!



Josh Klinkenberg is one of New Zealand’s emerging prophetic voices. Josh and his wife Amberley run Inflame Ministries and minister across the nations. Their heart and passion is to see revival come to New Zealand and to see prophetic worship and the fire of God return to the worship within the church. As well as their ministry here and overseas, Inflame Ministries runs an online academy, worship school, music label, publishing house and recording studio. For more info... 

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