


by Rebecca Brand

January 2021

The Lord gave me a vision where I saw a plumb line coming straight from the third heaven, and I felt the Lord say that He is about to check the plumb line of the world.   

God speaks in Amos 7:8 to say: “Behold I am about to put a plumb line in the midst of My people.”   

In Isaiah 28:16-17, He speaks of a foundation stone – the cornerstone – that will be laid in Zion. This cornerstone we know to be the Messiah, because He is our foundation on which we build our lives.  

God is saying that for some of us the need for justice, and fear of not being righteous, have taken us away from being centred upon the Word of God. This means that when the plumb line comes up against us it’ll show that we are “off centre”.  He is reminding us that the need for justice can destroy our walk with Him, and the enemy has done a good job with ensuring the “ism’s” of life (i.e., sexism, racism etc.) are a focal point for injustice within society today.   

God reminded me of Genesis 4, where Cain became the first human born in this world, and yet he was also the first person to murder – through jealousy – and Abel, his brother, became the first martyr for his faith. Abel’s blood literally still cries out to God for justice or vengeance, but Hebrews 12:24 shows us that Jesus’ blood does so much more.   

God is saying that we need to let go of the lies that the enemy has entwined within our viewpoints and apply our thoughts to the Word of God. This is because the need for vengeance is destroying Christian lives and therefore truly stopping the gospel from advancing in many ways.  

So many of us are now off centred, and we don't even realise it because we are looking around us for a guide, rather than to the Word of God. The Lord highlighted three things to me in Scripture because He wants us to receive everything that He has prepared for us in 2021. He is asking us to be fully centred within His will – His plumb line for our lives. We need to come back to Him. 

1. Matthew 6:33

God is saying to seek His Kingdom and His Righteousness first, by turning back to Him for help and to fill our thoughts with His desires. God wants our character to become Christ-like and for there to be a desire to serve Him – even when things don't make sense.   

God is asking us in 2021 to put Him first above all else and to trust Him. We need to stop looking to people, objects, goals and other desires as our priority, and actively choose Him in EVERY AREA of our lives.   

The Lord is saying that He will give us everything that we need going forward and that He will provide for everything that He knows we need.  

2. Matthew 25:4 

The Lord reminded me of “The parable of the Ten Virgins” because this tells us what it means to live, and to be ready for Christ’s return, but the most important lesson that God is showing us is that we are taught that every person is responsible for their own spiritual condition. God reminded me that we have to have faith and determination that, whatever occurs, we will be looking with EAGERNESS for His return.  

To realign ourselves with God’s plumb line we need to stop. We need to see where we truly are straying from God’s truth. God is asking us to fight to get back to the intimacy that our spirits hunger for.   

3. Isaiah 59:17  

God shows us that when Paul speaks in Ephesians 6 he is talking about every one of us putting on the armour that He provides us to fight the unseen battles within our daily lives. Yet, when Isaiah speaks about the armour, this is God Himself putting on the armour to rescue His people from sin.   

Paul doesn’t mention the garments of vengeance for us to clothe ourselves within Ephesians because Romans 12:19 tells us: "Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it, is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord." 

Vengeance is never ours to take, but the Lord’s alone, and this is why, currently, the world is broken and hurting, because we have all too often taken it upon ourselves to try and make people pay, to get back at them, to hate them, to try and destroy them.   

The word that God gave me for 2021 is to:  

“Realign to My plumb line and cloak yourself with zeal.”  

I have already spoken about the plumb line but regarding the cloak of zeal, Isaiah speaks of God wrapping Himself with zeal, like a cloak.  

The Cambridge Dictionary describes zeal as having: great enthusiasm or eagerness  

God highlighted the Parable of the Ten Virgins again; the five who had enough oil were said to be waiting for Christ’s return with EAGERNESS.   

Romans 12:11 says: “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervour, serving the Lord."  

In other words don’t be lazy, but instead continue to work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically…serve the Lord with ZEAL.   

Therefore to cloak ourselves with zeal is to have full coverage or to be wrapped completely in not only the armour of God that Paul speaks about, but God is asking us to wrap ourselves with a mantle of zeal in 2021.   

In the Bible, the prophets had mantles or cloaks to show their call and authority from God. It also showed their responsibility as God’s chosen spokesmen. We are all called to love God and to love others. We are all called to have zeal to be waiting eagerly for Jesus’ return.  

1 Peter 2:9 says: “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”  

God is challenging us to let go of the wounds that the enemy is niggling at us with. The areas where we have become disheartened are now going to be wrapped with a cloak of zeal so that we will be completely covered by God.   

God is saying that we will now wake up each day with a thirst and hunger to not only walk with Him, but to have the zeal to do so.



Originally from the UK, Rebecca moved to Auckland over seven years ago. She has a passion for changing the world with hope, and desires for all to have an intimate relationship with Christ, to hear the quiet voice of God, and to experience His presence. Rebecca has blogged for years through her website and social media, and her book "Life's Greatest Battles" was published in 2019. She has spoken nationally and internationally and moves in the prophetic. Rebecca and her husband Kieren will at some point in 2021 launch a new campus for Hope Centre NZ, in Waiuku. They currently fellowship and serve at Hope Centre NZ, where Kieren and herself are directors under Luka & Jo Robertson's leadership. Her website is and she can be contacted at

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