


by Janet Chambers

On the day before our first national Prophetic Round Table event for New Zealand I was seeking God as to what was actually happening in the nation regarding the prophetic ministries, and I suddenly went into a vision.

I saw all over the nation beacon lights burning, however many of these were partly obscured by brambles and foliage and they were not up on scaffolding or positioned on a hill where they could easily be seen.

I saw scaffolding being built and the beacons, already burning, were being carried up to the top of hills and mountains throughout the nation.

As they became elevated they began to flash signals intermittently, communicating with each other and signalling out all over the nation.

Some began to signal incoming ships and cruise liners coming into ports and I knew that they were heralding beacons. Some signalled incoming storms and I knew that they were warning beacons. Still others signalled, and as they did I saw party lights turn on all over New Zealand in celebration, and I knew that these were triumphant celebratory beacons.

After the vision ended I did some research about fire beacons and I was amazed at what I found. One of the first things that came to my attention was the scene from Lord of the Rings, Return of the King, Lighting of the fire beacons. As I watched this scene of the beacons being lit, and the scanning over the mountains of New Zealand, I saw prophesied in film, what God is doing here.

The next article that I read was about 16 fire beacons being lit in New Zealand on 19 July 1919. These were peace beacons. At Mt Maunganui, a place considered sacred, locals carried Australian hardwood and 70 tar barrels up to the summit and at 8:00pm that first beacon was lit.

The occurrence of this event in New Zealand history has, I believe, significant spiritual meaning:

Recently many prophets have been releasing words concerning a new rising of the ANZAC spirit. God is bringing together the two nations in a fresh way to run together, to accomplish more together than we could ever do separately, and significant ministries in both nations will be working together in collaboration in the Spirit. So it is significant that there was Australian hardwood carried to the Mount to light the beacon fire. The number of tar barrels is mentioned – 70 means “perfect spiritual order carried out with power.”

Barrels speak of hearts, as they carry water and wine. Tar speaks of atonement – it is based on the same Hebrew word used for pitch, the same word used for atonement. And the number 8 signifies a new beginning or season of time.

So God is doing a new thing, involving New Zealand and Australia, where hearts that carry atonement understanding, moving in spiritual order and power, will bring about an elevation of the prophetic ministries in this nation, bringing a clearer sound, a sure sound. Greater communication will flow between these ministries and over the nation of New Zealand. There will be clearer communication than ever before, and God’s purposes, and plans, seasons and times will be pronounced, decreed and heard.

After sharing this word I was greeted by Gary Rogers who is writing a book about the beginnings of the Pentecostal work in Christchurch and New Zealand. He was so excited as he shared that in 1924 Molly Ayers, born in Queensland , Australia (Australian hardwood!) went to A.C. Valdez in California and prophesied over him about coming to Australia. That night he had a vision of large ocean liner steaming across the South Pacific, first to New Zealand and then to Australia. He saw the name of the ship – Maunganui (the Mount where the first beacon light was lit.)

Money came to him and he booked passage on the first available liner, discovering its name was the SS Maunganui. During one of his meetings here over 500 people were baptised in the Holy Spirit at once.

“A large number of Catholic and Anglican priests were standing in excitement and pointing around the auditorium and they asked Valdez,”These tongues of fire we see on people speaking in tongues, does this happen in all your meetings?””

So we see that fire came on Mt Maunganui in the natural, as the first fire beacon was lit, then again in Valdez, as he sailed in the Maunganui, carrying within him the fire of the Holy Spirit.

Prior to this in 1919 Molly Ayers, the same woman who had prophesied over Valdez, had been invited to Christchurch to be involved with the beginnings of the Pentecostal work there. The work began 12 October 1919, the same year only 3 months after the fire beacons were lit on Mt Maunganui.



Janet and her husband Wesley have been senior leaders of Living Waters Christian Centre, Christchurch, for 23 years.

Janet ministers nationally and internationally as a teacher/prophet and has a passion for people to hear the heart of God for their lives , cities and nations. She loves to see them rise up and be agents of change for the Kingdom of God. 

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