by Alistair Simmons

February 2022

Alistair was unable to physically attend the NZ Council of Prophets meeting in February 2022 so he Zoom linked in on the day. The following is a transcript of that Zoom call.

I felt the Lord say that through the great challenge of our times we will carry hearts of restoration, recovery, and replenishment.

I recently saw a picture of parting clouds and the words, “Days of refreshing are coming.”

The Lord will give back what was taken, and restore with increase that which has been lost.

There are those who have spent much, lost much, and poured out with tears, but these things are not to be counted as loss, but as investment. I see a great return coming.

Psalms 126:5 “Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them.”

I heard again the words, “Recover, restore and replenish. There have been battles in homes, among families, divisions, and strife’s within My Church, but these dead ends will give away to a rich and spacious place.

Many have felt under fire. Under fire in Faith, under fire in marriage, under fire in family and in the work place, but the Lord says, “The battle that came upon you, that you have felt within you, has only served to strengthen you, increase you and make you ready.”

Where you have endured to keep the rules, a giving way will take place to a new rising.

Church, this is a time to broaden your tent pegs; do not hold back, lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes, a time of re-setting.

Isaiah 52:2 – "…. arise and shake off your dust!"

I saw figures hunched over, covered, and with ashes upon their backs. It looked as if a mighty storm had covered God’s people with dust.

But then I heard the call, “uncover yourselves, shake off this dust and arise.”

Do not allow that which came upon you to remain with you. Shake it off and arise.

It was here that I saw a brand new wall being erected. Where the walls had been dashed, stones cast down, now a spirit of Nehemiah will arise to build with you, where wisdom and a deep Holy Spirit resolve will lead you in a time of rapid restoration and rebuilding and no Sanballat nor Tobiah will stand in the way of this rebuild, I felt a rebuild of heart, mind and spirit.

“It’s time to open your eyes to the new vision, your ears to the new cry, as all has been changed, a full change of garments is being presented to you to put on, and new shoes for the new places I am leading you to walk in, and new territory will require you to walk in a new way.”

Do not say the time is not now, not at this moment. Do not cast the opportunity to another day, and seek to push this out for another day, but I feel the Lord s saying, “I am bringing to your hand something you did not plan for, a door you did not expect. It is time to trust Me and cast-off earthy restraint to receive My Heavenly restoration.”

1 Thess 5:19-21 “Do not quench the Spirit. 20 Do not treat prophecies with contempt 21 but test them all; hold on to what is good,” 

Do not quench the Spirit but hold the prophetic utterance you are feeling. This is a time of testing, an experiment time to be entered into, to allow for the fresh ways of the Lord to be found.

I then saw a flame drop from Heaven and land on the floor of the church. And the words, “It’s time for a Fresh fire to fall. This fire will spread as a time of recovery across the nation and the nations. Where It has looked as though evil has battled and won I will now turn it back. It is time for the fire of healing to take place, for my Church to be established among the nations and for the foundations to be revealed, reset, and rebuilt again.” 

Boldness is the key. Be BOLD in seeking Him, be Bold in leaning into Him, be bold in recovery, be Bold in community. Boldness is the key!

I see many who once knew the Lord coming back to the faith, but we must go beyond the walls of the church. You are the church. Many fresh and new salvations are coming.

Isaiah 58:8 – “Then your light will break out like the dawn, And your recovery will speedily spring forth; And your righteousness will go before you; The glory of the Lord will be your rear guard.”


Prayer is not just us coming to God with a list of requests. As part of our relationship with Him, it is us having a conversation with the Lord, which involves talking and listening on both sides. The following prayer points are some things you can talk to Him about in regards to this prophetic word.

  • Pray that the church would turn to the Lord for refreshing, and healing of wounds sustained during this battle.

  • Pray for restoration, recovery, and replenishment.

  • Pray for a willingness to shake off this dust and arise with fresh vision, fresh zeal, and fresh power.

  • Pray for boldness to come upon the church – in seeking the Lord, leaning into Him, in recovery, in community within the church and in the community outside the church.



Alistair serves on eldership and senior leadership for Aspire Church Nelson. He is passionate about a relationship with Jesus, out of which flows a lifestyle of ministering the Kingdom of God. His ministry continually sees people impacted by the Father’s love through prophetic encounters, healing and salvation – both within and outside the doors of the church.

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