


by Frank Devlin

"This is a time when I am pouring out My Spirit on those who have been preparing themselves in the secret place, those who have been seeking My Face not for what they can get out of it, but out of a love and passion to know Me. They are learning My ways and My heart's desires. There have been those who have wanted intimacy with Me for their own purposes - to make a name for themselves, to build “their ministry”; they were given a measure of power and anointing and authority because of their availability.

Things will be different with those who have been meeting Me in the “secret place”, those who have a love and devotion to Me that isn’t focused on themselves or what I can do for them. These are My people who will move through New Zealand with a “Fire Anointing”, where they go they will start “Holy Spirit Fires” in different pockets of the Country – they will be an answer to many of the prayers of My people who are desperate for Revival in the land. These people are a people who long to see My Glory arise for My sake and the sake of the nation. Their hearts are ready, they are prepared. I say to those who have been crying out to Me, desperate for change, "Get ready. I am coming and no scheme of man or plan of the enemy can stop what I purpose to do. I will use those who are considered unlovely, I will use those who are prepared, I will use whom I will use; those with pure motives. My heart has been grieved as I have seen the manipulation of My giftings and My love for My people to build man made monuments in My Name; that was never My intention. My intention was always to show My love to My children, to see people move from darkness to light, to bind up the broken hearted and to bring release to the captives."

To those who were given a measure of authority and gifting and have misused it, I say, "Return to your first love, repent of your pride and love those that I have placed under your care. Come to Me for the healing you so desperately need. I have a place for you, I have plans for you."

To those who have been preparing in the secret place, I will use you to ignite pockets of revival in this land until, over time, as the flames grow larger, they will meet up to become a roaring flame over the nation."



Frank is currently part of the key leadership team at Hope Centre in Lower Hutt.  Outside of Hope Centre he ministers under the banner of "Pass the Baton".  He mentors Pastors and leaders, both in NZ and Overseas. His heart is to see revival break out with people walking strongly in Christ knowing freedom and victory. He has worked extensively in equipping people to help fulfil their divine purpose. His insights into leadership and pastoring and teaching in the Body of Christ give him a unique perspective into equipping the saints for the work of ministry. Frank has a passion for the Body of Christ and seeing every person released to take their place in working in the Kingdom.