


by Colleen Wewege

This prophetic word was given at the NZ Council of Prophets meeting in Christchurch, February 2021.

The Lord is inviting His bride to come into a place of a fresh encounter of His Presence. As we say ‘YES’ to the Lord in this epic transitional season, we will hear a new sound, a different rhythm, a fresh song, and it will lack striving. He is inviting us to ‘breathe in’ in this space, and discover His rest, and the ‘new’ for the days and years ahead. I felt that His voice and invitation to ascend was from a loving, kind Heavenly Father who adores His bride and is wooing New Zealand.

God has been ‘extracting’ His church out of religion, out of structures that brought limitation and created ceilings, and has created a greater hunger in us for revival and the great harvest to come. I heard Him say that this year is a year for us to continue to mature, grow and get strong. It’s a year to ‘fan into flame the gifts that have been given to us’, and it’s the year of ‘FLOW’. What was previously resisted, and took effort, is going to get easier and easier as we lean into the things of the Spirit and His ways.

“Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.” (Rev 4:1.)

The door has always been open for us but we have not always heard the trumpet call, and the church has chosen to do things ‘their’ way. This is an invitation for Kingdom perspective, insight, divine wisdom and strategy. It’s an invitation to rise up, get up, re-position and encounter heavenly realms, experience His presence, and receive spiritual and supernatural wisdom and understanding.

He wants to download the ‘manifold, multi dimensional, faceted, intelligence of God’. (Eph 3:10.)

He is giving us divine keys and strategy. ‘He will show us what must take place’ and we will step out with increased clarity and honed purpose, as He releases detail for the days ahead that will cause our destiny to unfold and FLOW. Prov 3 “I will make my ways known to you.”

The enemy has tried to bring delay, diversion and distortion, but God says He is bringing an era of divine intervention and breakthrough. The enemy has set entrapments for families, businesses, churches and cities, but don’t be distracted as you take back territory. God is giving us divine advantage and divine equipping, if we accept His invitation.

It’s Time to Release Kingdom

God is inviting us to live ‘heaven on earth’. He is urging us as a church in New Zealand to understand our apostolic commission and become an apostolic people who intentionally bring Kingdom transformation from one realm to another. It's the ‘now’ time to get involved in shaping culture. We cannot be bystanders. Eph 6:12, “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age.”    

To be effective in 2021 we need to have fresh strategy that comes from a different realm. We need to see how He sees, have ears that are tuned to His frequency, and ‘listen carefully to what the Spirit is saying’. Listen to my correction, my sons, for I speak to you as your father. Let discernment enter your heart and you will grow wise with the understanding I impart.” (Prov 4:1.)

From this vantage point – the throne room – strategies for an upward life will FLOW. Yes! It’s the year of flow. Prov 1:23, “I am ready to pour out my spirit of wisdom on you.”

We need to put on our Kingdom lenses and rise in our authority and display light, and reproduce Kingdom. He has called us to be hope releasers and joy carriers. Hope and Joy are our inheritance and we need to put it on display!

From this place of encounter I heard the promise of God, as He says, “My people who know their God will do great exploits for me.” (Dan 11:32b.) “The ones I know intimately will do mighty works for Me, and you will see My Kingdom demonstrated in New Zealand in the form of a mighty revival.”

Significant Keys in this Season

God began to speak to me and show me some significant keys in this season…

  • In this season it is important to discover our God identities, mantles and anointing. There is an identity crisis in New Zealand. It is a season to ‘pull out’ our identities, and declare and prophesy with boldness who God created us to be. It’s a time to celebrate our individual, church, city, and national identity, and release supernatural inheritance. Job 27:28, “Decree a thing and it will be established for you.” As we speak it out I believe that we are called to ‘strike the ground’ and boldly break the enemy’s lies with our declarations, and step into our inheritance. God is empowering us to stand up, reconnect with our God-given identity, and to move forward into a new season. We need to get ready to see the change He is releasing. This epic season will unfold with testimonies of conquering long fought entrapments, taking back territory and title deeds that the enemy has had for far too long. From this place of encounter New Zealand will have a greater understanding of who she is.

  • I heard our Father say, “It’s time to be more intentional in raising up the priesthood of all believers.” The body needs to be activated in spiritual gifts and equipped and empowered for ministry. God said, “Use this time wisely; it’s a time to grow and get strong.”

  • I heard the sound of marching that comes from authentic unity. At first there was a shuffling, but slowly people – the church – began to arise and walk in sync and I could hear the rhythm of unity. This unity was not man made, and it was not competitive, but rather it came from a desire to walk together, a desire to see His Kingdom come in New Zealand. God showed me the bride meeting together in small authentic gatherings of two’s and three’s, with intentionality, as we purposely gathered across our denominational lines.This ‘table talk’ ministry ‘pollinated’ Kingdom ways and stirred the church to life across new Zealand as seeds of the new season began to spread.

I believe that He is setting us up for more glory, more encounters, and deeper intimacy with Him, and as we set our gaze on Him He will give us more grace and expand our territory.

With a variety of expressions, arise as one – without competition. Be the voice of truth. Be the light in the darkness. Be the church! Take up your Kingdom assignments and lay down your individual agendas, and know the significance of the hour.



Colleen and her husband Bernhard have been ministering together for over 40 years and are passionate about  building Apostolic Kingdom culture. They have been the senior leaders of Every Nation, Christchurch, NZ for 20 years.

Colleen is passionate about building strong healthy prophetic cultures, and raising up worshippers with a heart for healing – both physical and spiritual. She loves to see people released in their callings and see them discover their God potential and purpose, becoming people who will stir the fire of revival in NZ and the nations. Their ministry websites are and 

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