by Lyn Packer

March 2022

As I was thinking recently about the past couple of years I heard this statement so clearly in my mind, “Beware the leaven of guilt and shame.”

Knowing it was the Lord, I asked Him about it and sensed Him say, “A lot has happened over the past few years and many of My children have found themselves unwittingly believing deceptive narratives and spin. Behind this was a deceptive spirit that twisted and distorted their perceptions and conclusions. Alongside it was a counterfeit spirit of righteous anger that began to work in people's lives. This led to them forming ungodly attitudes, thinking and saying things that were not of My Spirit, but were of another spirit. They then put others down, accused or belittled people that a few weeks before were friends or acquaintances they liked, and mostly agreed with.

Now many of them are beginning to realize that they were ‘hoodwinked’ by spiritual powers of darkness, whose aim was to sow discord into My Body, the church. With this dawning realization I want them to be aware of the possibility of an attack by two other spiritual powers – that of guilt and shame. These two would seek to stop them from engaging with Me and others in true repentance and restitution for their attitudes and behaviour.”

I felt the Lord’s heartache over the decisions His kids had made, and His desire for them to not get sucked in by guilt and shame. I felt Him wanting to encourage His kids to not let the powers of guilt and shame stop them from putting things right. If you’ve had a stink attitude to others, said things that were of your flesh, not His Spirit, then put those right. Bring healing, not further discord, to those relationships and to the church, the family of God.

There is a chance here to walk in true humility, to let go of ego, and to rebuild the broken walls of relationships, making them even stronger as trust is rebuilt. Where needed, ask forgiveness, and walk in the fruits of the Spirit now, rather than continuing to walk in the flesh, and giving guilt and shame an entrance gateway to become established in your life.


Prayer is not just us coming to God with a list of requests. As part of our relationship with Him, it is us having a conversation with the Lord, which involves talking and listening on both sides. The following prayer points are some things you can talk to Him about in regards to this prophetic word.

  • Ask the Lord to reveal any attitudes and mindsets you’ve personally operated in, during these past three years in particular, that are not godly and righteous, or that do not exhibit the fruits of the Holy Spirit.

  • Ask Him to show you what damage those attitudes, beliefs and actions have done in your relationships, with family, friends and church.

  • Ask for His forgiveness and ask Him to show you how you can repair any damage those attitudes and actions have caused in your relationships.

  • Break off the work of the enemy, the demonic assignments and attachments of guilt and shame, and ask the Lord for a fresh revelation of His grace, forgiveness and love for you.



Lyn is recognised as a Prophet within New Zealand and other nations she’s ministered in. Her ministry is revelatory and catalytic, propelling people into encounter with God. The governmental prophetic gift she carries is expressed through prophetic, revelatory insight and strategy, prophetic words (personal, corporate and national), teaching, art, and writing. Click here for more info...

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