by Lyn Packer

November 2022

Recently the Lord has been speaking to me about the trap of self-abandonment that the enemy has lured many of God’s people into – a web of self-denial and self-abandonment that is a demonic counterfeit of a true Godly laying down of their lives in service to Him and others.

This spirit has caused huge weights and burdens to become attached to people’s souls and has built strongholds in people’s minds. It has affected their health, their relationships, and their minds.

God is saying today – “I am setting you free from that spirit and the effects it has had on your life, your health, your self-esteem and your service to Me and others. I am causing you to rise again with renewed strength and vigour, refreshed energy, and fresh power!”

The Lord wants you to understand how this spirit works. It has led God’s people to believe that they must put others’ needs before their own, to the point of denying their own body the rest and replenishment it needs. It has caused them to come under a wrong pressure to be at everything, and to go above and beyond wise boundaries of service in order to be seen to be serving God. Many have put service before family, and before their own health needs, and even ministry before God, at times. Other ways this spirit has worked is in getting people to believe that their needs don’t count, their opinion doesn’t matter, their voice doesn’t deserve to be heard, they are not important, and they cannot make a difference. It has stolen from them dignity and honour, it has caused them to discount, and hide, their feelings for fear of being rejected, and much more.

This spirit has twisted the meaning of Scripture in people’s minds, causing them to believe that when Jesus said in the Bible that we should deny ourself to follow Him (Matt 16:24-26) that it meant to deny our needs as humans, to put others first, to see our needs as somehow being bad, and to deny our feelings. (I was caught in this trap for many years and God had to set me free of it.)

God has declared a new season of war on this demonic power and is releasing a spirit of wisdom and revelation regarding this trap. He is helping His people to see where they have become ensnared and come under this demonic, burdensome taskmaster, and He is setting them free, showing them how to escape its clutches and negate its effects in their lives.

The Lord is working in His people’s lives, breaking down strongholds of wrong thinking in regard to how we see ourselves and treat ourselves, and helping us see ourselves and treat ourselves with the respect that He (God) sees and treats us with. He is saying that self-care and compassion is not wrong and that we cannot love others well when we don’t know how to love ourselves in a healthy, Godly way – to treat ourselves with the dignity, respect and honour that He treats us with (Lev 19:17-18). Jesus gave us the glory that the Father had given Him (John 17:22). That word ‘glory’ means exalted state, honour, worth, value, dignity, good opinion of, magnificence, excellence, and much more.

God is calling us to see ourselves as He sees us and to walk in the light of that revelation knowledge. This is part of His bringing His children, the church, to maturity so that we can truly shine as lights placed on a lampstand, shine like a city set on a hill, and be the children of God that the earth itself has been groaning for, and longing to see displayed (Matt 5:14-16; Rom 8:19).

Allow God to bring fresh revelation to you in this season of who you are in Him, how He sees you, and the dignity and honour He treats you with, and begin again to treat yourself the way He does. Allow God to bring true health to every area of your life so that you can practice true Godly self-denial in a way that sees you have the strength and health you need to accomplish all that God calls you to.

If you’d like to read more about how self-abandonment affects people, and how to get free from it, check out the two articles I’ve just posted on our website, about it (click here to read them).


Prayer is not just us coming to God with a list of requests. As part of our relationship with Him, it is us having a conversation with the Lord, which involves talking and listening on both sides. The following prayer points are some things you can talk to Him about in regards to this prophetic word.

  • Ask God to show you where you have allowed the enemy to ensnare you and entice you into a false understanding of self-denial, and where that has led to self-abandonment.

  • Ask the Lord for fresh revelation and scriptural understanding of how He sees you.

  • Repent of allowing the enemy to distort your vision and make you see yourself as less than God sees you, and ask the Lord to set you free. Cooperate with Him in how He leads you in that freedom process.

  • Pray for the church at large – that God’s people would see where they have abandoned their true identity and come under the tyranny of a false counterfeit spirit of self-denial and allowed themselves to become imprisoned.

  • Pray that their eyes and hearts would be opened to see themselves as God sees them, and to rise up healed so they can be agents of healing and freedom for others.



Lyn is recognised as a Prophet within New Zealand and other nations she’s ministered in. Her ministry is revelatory and catalytic, propelling people into encounter with God. The governmental prophetic gift she carries is expressed through prophetic, revelatory insight and strategy, prophetic words (personal, corporate and national), teaching, art, and writing. Click here for more info...

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