


by Lyn Packer

This prophetic word is not only a word that announces what I see happening, but it is also a causative word. The things I talk about in this prophetic word are already happening for some prophets, and for other prophets this word will catapult you into their happening in your life. You will be shifted into a season of change – in how you see your role as a prophet and in how you function in it.

A shift is happening for many prophets and, for some of them, that shift has left them feeling a little confused and bewildered. That shift is this - God is refining the call and focus of many prophets.

While in the past prophets have proclaimed what they’ve seen by the Holy Spirit, often those words that have been spoken have been largely ineffective in actually causing change. God is refocusing many prophets so that they don’t just see the changes that need to happen and declare them, but to become the change agent in a way that is different to how they have functioned in the past.

That shift is seen in these two areas of service in particular

1.     One aspect to this shift is in the power released through the prophetic words given. Prophets are being called to step into a greater realm of authority. Instead of just telling what they see, their prophetic words will become causative, they will carry and release the power to set into motion the thing that they see and declare. This means that we must be very aware of the power of the words we speak and use those words wisely, as well as intentionally, in order to set things in motion, to establish structure in the spiritual realm, so that those things can be established in the natural.

2.     The other part of the shift I see is this; in the past many prophets have seen and declared a word and their responsibility has ended there, and now God is changing their responsibility. God is now calling prophets to change their focus from just being people who ‘see and live in the future’ to ‘living in the process and living in the now’.

(Let me explain what I mean by saying many prophets “see and live in the future’. Many prophetic people see what God wants to do and where He wants to bring the church and they then begin to relate to the church on that basis, as if the church was already there. When prophets live from that perspective they find it very easy to get frustrated with the church and will think, or say, things like “Why aren’t they there yet?” “When are they going to get it?”, “Why isn’t the pastor making the changes that need to be made?” etc. Many prophets live from that place of frustration with the church because they feel that the church isn’t making changes fast enough, and when they do this they become critical and judgemental as a result. Often the problem is not with the church but with the prophet, because the prophet is ‘living out there in the future’ and is relating to the church on that basis, when the church is ‘living in the process and the now’ of change.)

Many prophets will now also be called to not just see what needs to happen and to declare it, but to become a part of building what they see. They are being called to shift from ‘living in the future’ to ‘living in the now’, to be a part of the Body of Christ, not to stand apart from it in their heart, words, or lifestyle.

These prophets will work alongside those with an apostolic mantle to initiate and establish answers from Heaven to natural problems; there will be initiatives in the education sector, business sector, church arena and more. It will require a shift in the perspective of these prophets from living ‘out there in the future’ to living ‘in the process’ and helping people through the process of change. These prophets will also cause change through the words they speak, but they will be called to do more than just speak; they will be called to help build what they speak.

In the church arena there will be many areas of church life and ministry where this plays out – everything from children’s ministry through to worship. One aspect will be in the area of prophetic training – many of these prophets will become not just prophets, but prophetic mothers and fathers whose focus gets shifted from just the giving of prophetic words to also training the future generations of prophets.

As a prophetic person you are called not just to see what needs changing, but to create change. Ask the Lord how you can partner with Him on a practical level to see those things you've seen in the Spirit come to be established in the earth. 



Lyn is recognised as a Prophet within New Zealand and other nations she’s ministered in. Her ministry is revelatory and catalytic, propelling people into encounter with God. The governmental prophetic gift she carries is expressed through prophetic, revelatory insight and strategy, prophetic words (personal, corporate and national), teaching, art, and writing. Click here for more info...

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