by Adam Harris

July 2021.

In early June I felt the Lord begin to stir me with an encouragement which I feel is for the Body of Christ in NZ.

The Father began to talk with me about many people who have appeared to have become distant from the local church in recent years.  These people have continued to love Jesus, and there is evidence of them remaining faithful to the prophetic, intercessory, and grace giftings upon their lives, despite not appearing fully, or even partially, connected to the local church.

As I thought of these people who He has hidden underground for a season,  I felt the Father say that He is beginning to graft these people back into the ‘structure’ of ‘local church’.

As I enquired of the Lord why He would ‘hide’ these people for a time, I felt that He said He has been protecting them from environments of frustration and restriction in order to keep their edges sharp and their hearts soft towards Him.  What has appeared to some onlookers as rebellion, or unhealthy isolation, may have, in fact, been an intentional pull by Holy Spirit to preserve them for such a time as this. 

As I’ve sat on this I believe that the Lord is not just speaking of people I know, but that there is occurring across the Body of Christ a fresh connection of vital people, a restoration of Kingdom relationships, and a fanning into flame of gifts that are crucial in the coming season.

A shaking has been occurring throughout the Body of Christ.  This is evidencing itself by a growing discontent with the institution and system of ‘church’, and a deep hunger for the church as the Bride of Christ to grow in maturity and reveal itself to the world.

As this hunger grows, Holy Spirit is going to cause a returning of Prophetic, intercessory and Grace giftings to communities who are desperate for Him. As we begin to see this occurring it will be important that we receive these people with wisdom and love, and without judgement.  Wisdom and love will be an important response during this time.

For those returning and feeling a deep call back to the local church, it is important to let go of the excuses, reasons and feelings you may have had while not being closely attached.  It will also be important to see that the Father actually covered and protected you in this season, and that He is now calling you to humbly serve in your area of gifting so that His Kingdom may be established in your communities.  

Any offence from either party must be put to death, as this will cause an illegitimate grafting to occur which will not stand in the seasons ahead.  

As I sit with the Father over the above, I have also felt drawn to Matthew 13 and feel a deep stirring to encourage those who have been ‘hidden’ and feel the call as a prophet.  

In Matthew 13:57 Jesus comments, “A prophet is not without honour except in his own town and in his own home.” 

I feel it is important that we clarify that Jesus wasn’t saying this will be a standard throughout time, but is sharing a fact of what was occurring in the moments we read of.  I sense that there has been a tendency for ‘prophets’ to use this as justification to explain why they don’t feel they fit. There is a deep call of Jesus for the Prophets to be established and powerfully connected in this time so that the Bride of Christ can mature and be established like never before. 

My encouragement to anyone this resonates with is that it is time to humbly and graciously come back to the body, present yourself as a servant, and serve the bride so that the church is equipped and Jesus is made known.  It is a time to allow the Father to graft you back in!  

As prophets we cannot demand authority from leaders… Scripture teaches us that ‘God placed in the church the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service….’ 

It is God who is placing and re-grafting the prophets into the church.  If the calling is now, you can celebrate that when He speaks something into being, He is faithful and more than capable of opening the door. My encouragement is to serve the Bride and He will establish the grafting :) 

We are the Bride of Christ!  God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable, and He is bringing together something beautiful through the lives of people and communities desperate for Him.  The institution has become increasingly irrelevant, but the Kingdom has more relevance than ever.  



Adam is 40 years old, has been married for 17 years, and has 3 beautiful kids. He currently splits his work time between working as a paramedic and serving as a pastor at Whangaparaoa Baptist Church. He has been deeply in love with Jesus since the mid 90’s and has a strong conviction to live a life of genuine intimacy with Him. This conviction drives his pursuit of Him, to be obedient in the prophetic call on His life, to serve the Church, and to see God’s Kingdom evidenced in and around him.

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