


by Nathan Shaw


January 2021


Earlier this year, a prophet shared with me how God instructed her to eat a page from her Bible as a prophetic act. I asked her, "What page did you eat?" She answered, "Isaiah chapter 1." Instantly the thought came to me, "If she ate Isaiah 1 then most likely she also ate Isaiah 2." In most Bibles, Isaiah 1 appears on the front of a page and continues onto the back. The page then ends with the start of Isaiah 2. Side by side, Isaiah chapters 1 and 2 present a dramatic picture.

Isaiah 1 likens Israel to a person covered with infected wounds from head to foot. Isaiah 2 describes the mountain of the Lord. In the ancient world mountains were a very clear typology for seats of government.

As I continued to talk with my prophet friend, God showed me a picture of a wounded nation superimposed with the government of God. When I inquired of God about the year 2021 He reminded me of this revelation.

God is empowering His prophets and His people to speak directly to the wounding within nations. To release healing requires faith, authority, wisdom and patience. Many default to the easier route of pronouncing judgment. However, God's judgments are primarily redemptive, not destructive. In fact, when the judgment of God is released against unrighteous elements within a nation, the nation is redeemed from destruction.

Unrighteousness is the fruit of infected wounds. There is one type of authority which judges and exposes unrighteousness. There is an even greater authority which heals infected wounds. It is time to walk in this greater authority.

How to Access the Mountain of the Lord and Establish His Government

Isaiah 2 locates the mountain of the Lord at Mount Zion in Jerusalem. However, this mountain is also a spiritual mountain, and in this sense, it is not confined to one place. As the writer of Hebrews makes plain: Mount Zion is a spiritual mountain (see Hebrews 12:22-24) accessed by faith. On the mountain people are taught by God Himself and come to know His ways and His paths (Isaiah 2:3). The mountain of the Lord is where God's government is released in its fullness. Not only is the mountain a place we access by faith, it is also a reality that can be established anywhere on the earth. In fact, God's government is necessary to disciple the nations.

Satan continually manipulates the nations by exploiting the deep seated wounds that exist within them and between them. God's plan is to release His government within the nations.

It's time to "eat" and "digest" the revelation contained within the first two chapters of Isaiah. When something is fully digested it becomes part of us. Isaiah 1, fully digested, gives us the ability to see the true condition of the nations. Isaiah 2, fully digested, causes us to walk in God's government and establish it among the nations.

The intensity of the spiritual battle in the United States and other nations is forcing deep wounds to the surface. Satan's plan is to use these wounds to empower rage and bring destruction. God's plan is to heal the wounds so that nations can walk in greater light and authority.

The government of God is much greater than the infected wounds that presently afflict the nations. If we become wrongly focused on any particular wound it can easily become an intimidating force that leaves us feeling powerless and discouraged. In the intensity of the battle we must never lose sight of God's plan. It's time to eat the scroll.



Nathan Shaw helps bring individuals and churches into dynamic encounters with God's indescribable love. Nathan's passion is to equip churches so that they can move in the Spirit, access heavenly realms, encounter God's heart and release His Kingdom on the earth. Over the last twenty years he has been instrumental in ushering in significant moves of the Spirit in over ten different nations. Many have experienced life changing prophetic encounters and dramatic visitations from God. Nathan is the author of two books: Passion and Fire and Unto the Least of These and he is the senior pastor at Fire and Destiny Centre, Dunedin and Celebration Church, Mosgiel
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